편집 파일: connect-adsense.js
;(function($){ // Unique instance of "advadsMapiConnectClass" var INSTANCE = null; var advadsMapiConnectClass = function( content, options ) { this.options = {}; this.modal = $( '#gadsense-modal' ); this.frame = null; if ( 'undefined' == typeof content || ! content ) { content = 'confirm-code'; } this.setOptions( options ); this.init(); this.show( content ); return this; }; advadsMapiConnectClass.prototype = { constructor: advadsMapiConnectClass, // Set options, for re-use of existing instance for a different purpose. setOptions: function( options ) { var defaultOptions = { onSuccess: false, onError: false, }; if ( 'undefined' == typeof options ) { options = defaultOptions; } this.options = $.extend( {}, defaultOptions, options); }, // Tasks to do after a successful connection. exit: function(){ if ( this.options.onSuccess ) { if ( 'function' == typeof this.options.onSuccess ) { this.options.onSuccess( this ); } } else { this.hide(); } }, // Submit OAuth2 code for account connection. submitOAuthCode: function( code ) { var that = this; if ( '' == code ) return; $( '.gadsense-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'block' ); $( '#gadsense-modal-error' ).hide(); var data = { action: 'advads_gadsense_mapi_confirm_code', code: code, nonce: AdsenseMAPI.nonce, }; $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: data, success:function(response, status, XHR){ $( '#mapi-code' ).val( '' ); if ( response.status && true === response.status && response['token_data'] ) { that.getAccountDetails( response['token_data'] ); } else { // Connection error handling. console.log( response ); $( '.gadsense-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); $( '#mapi-code' ).val( '' ); $( '#gadsense-modal-content-inner .dashicons-dismiss' ).trigger( 'click' ); } }, error:function(request, status, error){ $( '#gadsense-loading-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); }, }); }, // Initialization - mostly binding events. init: function(){ var that = this; // Close the modal and hide errors. $( document ).on( 'click', '#gadsense-modal .dashicons-dismiss', function(){ that.hide(); } ); // Account selection $( document ).on( 'click', '.gadsense-modal-content-inner[data-content="account-selector"] button', function( ev ) { var adsenseID = $( '#mapi-select-account' ).val(); var tokenData = false; var tokenString = $( '.gadsense-modal-content-inner[data-content="account-selector"] input.token-data' ).val(); var details = false; var detailsString = $( '.gadsense-modal-content-inner[data-content="account-selector"] input.accounts-details' ).val(); try { tokenData = JSON.parse( tokenString ); } catch ( Ex ) { console.error( 'Bad token data : ' + tokenString ); } try { details = JSON.parse( detailsString ); } catch ( Ex ) { console.error( 'Bad account details : ' + detailsString ); } if ( details ) { $( '.gadsense-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'block' ); var data = { action: 'advads_gadsense_mapi_select_account', nonce: AdsenseMAPI.nonce, account : details[ adsenseID ], 'token_data': tokenData, }; $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: data, success:function(response, status, XHR){ if ( response.status && true === response.status ) { INSTANCE.exit(); } else { console.log( response ); } }, error:function(request, status, error){ $( '#gadsense-loading-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); }, }); } } ); }, // Get account info based on a newly obtained token. getAccountDetails: function( tokenData ){ var data = { action: 'advads_gadsense_mapi_get_details', nonce: AdsenseMAPI.nonce }; data.token_data = tokenData; $.ajax( { url: ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: data, success: function ( response ) { if ( response.success && true === response.success ) { if ( response.data && response.data.reload ) { INSTANCE.exit(); } else if ( response.data && response.data.token_data ) { INSTANCE.switchContent( 'account-selector' ); INSTANCE.frame.find( 'select' ).html( response.data.html ); INSTANCE.frame.find( 'input.token-data' ).val( JSON.stringify( response.data.token_data ) ); INSTANCE.frame.find( 'input.accounts-details' ).val( JSON.stringify( response.data.details ) ); } else { INSTANCE.switchContent( 'error' ); INSTANCE.frame.find( '.error-message' ).text( JSON.stringify( response ) ); } } }, error: function ( request, status, error ) { if ( request.responseJSON ) { if ( request.responseJSON.data.error ) { INSTANCE.switchContent( 'error' ); INSTANCE.frame.find( '.error-message' ).text( request.responseJSON.data.error ); if ( typeof AdsenseMAPI.connectErrorMsg[request.responseJSON.data.error] !== 'undefined' ) { INSTANCE.frame.find( '.error-description' ).html( AdsenseMAPI.connectErrorMsg[request.responseJSON.data.error] ); } } else if ( request.responseJSON.data.message ) { INSTANCE.frame.find( '.error-message' ).text( request.responseJSON.data.message ); } return; } $( '#gadsense-loading-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); } } ); }, // Switch between frames in the modal container. switchContent: function( content ) { if ( this.modal.find( '.gadsense-modal-content-inner[data-content="' + content + '"]' ).length ) { this.modal.find( '.gadsense-modal-content-inner' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); this.frame = this.modal.find( '.gadsense-modal-content-inner[data-content="' + content + '"]' ); this.frame.css( 'display', 'block' ); $( '.gadsense-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); } }, // Show the modal frame with a given content. show: function( content ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof content ) { content = 'confirm-code'; } this.switchContent( content ); if ( 'open-google' == content ) { window.location.href = AdsenseMAPI.oAuth2; } else { this.modal.css( 'display', 'block' ); } }, // Hide the modal frame hide: function(){ window.location.href = this.modal.attr( 'data-return' ); }, }; window.advadsMapiConnectClass = advadsMapiConnectClass; // Shortcut function. window.advadsMapiConnect = function( content, options ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof content || ! content ) { content = 'confirm-code'; } if ( 'undefined' == typeof options ) { options = {}; } if ( null === INSTANCE ) { INSTANCE = new advadsMapiConnectClass( content, options ); } else { INSTANCE.show( content, options ); } } $(function(){ // Move the the pop-up outside of any form. $( '#wpwrap' ).append( $( '#gadsense-modal' ) ); if ( $( '#advads-adsense-oauth-code' ).length ) { INSTANCE = new advadsMapiConnectClass( 'confirm-code', {} ); INSTANCE.submitOAuthCode( $( '#advads-adsense-oauth-code' ).val() ); } }); })(window.jQuery);