편집 파일: notes.txt
======================= Installation Procedure: ======================= Step 1 : Download files ----------------------- - Download letoDMS files here : https://sourceforge.net/projects/mydms/files/LetoDMS/ - Download ADOdb files here : http://adodb.sourceforge.net/ - Download LOG files here : http://pear.php.net/package/Log/download/All - Download Mail files here : http://pear.php.net/package/Mail/download/ Step 2 : Files Installation --------------------------- - ungzip and untar LetoDMS-3.2.0.tar.gz in <rootdir> - ungzip and untar LetoDMS_Core-3.2.0.tgz in <rootdir>/LetoDMS_Core ( Added default in version 5.1.9 ) - Move LetoDMS_Core to LetoDMS and Remove LetoDMS_Core => you must have <rootdir>/LetoDMS/Core.php - Move LetoDMS_Lucene to LetoDMS and Remove LetoDMS_Lucene => you must have <rootdir>/LetoDMS/Lucene.php - Move LetoDMS_Preview to LetoDMS and Remove LetoDMS_Preview => you must have <rootdir>/LetoDMS/Preview.php - ungzip and untar adodbxxx.tgz in <rootdir>/adodb - ungzip and untar Logxxx.tgz in <rootdir>/LetoDMS => you must have <rootdir>/LetoDMS/Log.php - ungzip and untar Mailxxx.tgz in <rootdir>/LetoDMS => you must have <rootdir>/LetoDMS/Mail.php Step 3 : Configuration ---------------------- - copy <rootdir>/conf/settings.xml.template to <rootdir>/conf/settings.xml - edit settings.xml file, search <database TAG and change value : -> dbDriver = "_DBC_DBTYPE_" ==> mysql - create file <rootdir>/conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL - launch <rootdir>/install/install.php - set values - Delete file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL if possible - Edit file : inc/inc.LogInit.php and replace include("Log.php"); => include("<rootdir>/LetoDMS/Log.php"); - Edit LetoDMS_Core/Core/inc.DBAccess.php require_once "adodb/adodb.inc.php"; => include("<rootdir>/adodb/adodb.inc.php"); NOTE : LetoDMS requires Zend framework for Lucene Search. So you need to download the Zend framework here : http://www.zend.com/en/community/downloads Download the 1.12.x minimal build as the latest vesion i.e. 2.x does not include the search part. Go to /ZendFramework-1.12.1/library/ copy Zend folder to Leto root folder and make leto.zip No need to include_path in php.ini bcoz letoDMS makes its root directory as include_path