편집 파일: LocatePythonModule.cmake
#LOCATE_PYTHON_MODULE(<module> [PATHS <path1> ... <pathN>] [REQUIRED]) # # This function tries to find the given python module. # If found the path is provided in <PY_<module> and <<module>_FOUND> is set to TRUE. # # After PATHS additional paths for python to search can be provided. # When REQUIRED is set, the function will abort the cmake execution is the module is not found function(LOCATE_PYTHON_MODULE module) find_package(PythonInterp) # Parse (additional) arguments set(options REQUIRED) set(multiValueArgs PATHS) cmake_parse_arguments(LPM "${options}" "" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) string(TOUPPER ${module} module_upper) if(NOT PY_${module_upper}) if(LPM_PATHS) # Append LPM_PATHS to PYTHONPATH to search at provided location (first) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{PYTHONPATH}" CMAKE_PATH) list(INSERT CMAKE_PATH 0 ${LPM_PATHS}) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_PATH}" NATIVE_PATH) if(UNIX) string(REPLACE ";" ":" NATIVE_PATH "${NATIVE_PATH}") endif(UNIX) set(ENV{PYTHONPATH} "${NATIVE_PATH}") endif(LPM_PATHS) # Use the (native) python impl module to find the location of the requested module execute_process(COMMAND "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" "-c" "import imp; print(imp.find_module('${module}')[1])" RESULT_VARIABLE _${module}_status OUTPUT_VARIABLE _${module}_location ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT _${module}_status) set(PY_${module_upper} ${_${module}_location} CACHE STRING "Location of Python module ${module}") set(${module_upper}_FOUND TRUE) message(STATUS "Found python module ${module}: ${PY_${module_upper}}") else(NOT _${module}_status) set(${module_upper}_FOUND FALSE) if(LPM_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find python module ${module}") else(LPM_REQUIRED) message(STATUS "Could NOT find python module ${module}") endif(LPM_REQUIRED) endif(NOT _${module}_status) endif(NOT PY_${module_upper}) endfunction(LOCATE_PYTHON_MODULE)