편집 파일: failure.rb
#-- # # Author:: Nathaniel Talbott. # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved. # License:: Ruby license. module Test module Unit # Encapsulates a test failure. Created by Test::Unit::TestCase # when an assertion fails. class Failure attr_reader :test_name, :location, :message SINGLE_CHARACTER = 'F' # Creates a new Failure with the given location and # message. def initialize(test_name, location, message) @test_name = test_name @location = location @message = message end # Returns a single character representation of a failure. def single_character_display SINGLE_CHARACTER end # Returns a brief version of the error description. def short_display "#@test_name: #{@message.split("\n")[0]}" end # Returns a verbose version of the error description. def long_display location_display = if(location.size == 1) location[0].sub(/\A(.+:\d+).*/, ' [\\1]') else "\n [#{location.join("\n ")}]" end "Failure:\n#@test_name#{location_display}:\n#@message" end # Overridden to return long_display. def to_s long_display end end end end