편집 파일: stats_cdf_t.phpt
--TEST-- stats_cdf_t() --FILE-- <?php // which = 1 : calculate P from (T, DF) var_dump(round(stats_cdf_t(1, 1, 1), 6)); // which = 2 : calculate T from (P, DF) var_dump(round(stats_cdf_t(0.75, 1, 2), 6)); // which = 3 : calculate DF from (P, T) var_dump(round(stats_cdf_t(0.75, 1, 3), 6)); // error cases var_dump(stats_cdf_t(1, 1, 0)); // which < 1 var_dump(stats_cdf_t(1, 1, 4)); // which > 3 var_dump(stats_cdf_t(1, -0.1, 1)); // DF < 0 var_dump(stats_cdf_t(1, 0, 1)); // DF == 0 ?> --EXPECTF-- float(0.75) float(1) float(1) Warning: stats_cdf_t(): Third parameter should be in the 1..3 range in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: stats_cdf_t(): Third parameter should be in the 1..3 range in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: stats_cdf_t(): Computation Error in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: stats_cdf_t(): Computation Error in %s on line %d bool(false)