편집 파일: 041.solrobject_illegal_operation.phpt
--TEST-- SolrObject - checking illegal operation of modifying object --FILE-- <?php $solrObject = new SolrObject(); try { @$solrObject->email = "iekpo@php.net"; } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getCode()); var_dump($e->getMessage()); } try { $solrObject['usingOffset'] = 'test'; } catch (SolrIllegalOperationException $e) { echo sprintf("Exception %d: %s", $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()) . PHP_EOL; } try { $solrObject['newprop2_dimension_access'] = 'test'; } catch (SolrIllegalOperationException $e) { echo sprintf("Exception %d: %s", $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()) . PHP_EOL; } // unset try { unset($solrObject->responseHeader); } catch (SolrIllegalOperationException $e) { echo sprintf("Exception %d: %s", $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()) . PHP_EOL; } try { unset($solrObject['responseHeader']); } catch (SolrIllegalOperationException $e) { echo sprintf("Exception %d: %s", $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()) . PHP_EOL; } ?> --EXPECTF-- int(1006) string(83) "SolrObject instances are read-only. Properties cannot be added, updated or removed." Warning: main(): Attempting to set value for [usingOffset] property in a SolrObject instance in %s on line %d Exception 1006: SolrObject instances are read-only. Properties cannot be added, updated or removed. Warning: main(): Attempting to set value for [newprop2_dimension_access] property in a SolrObject instance in %s on line %d Exception 1006: SolrObject instances are read-only. Properties cannot be added, updated or removed. Exception 1006: SolrObject instances are read-only. Properties cannot be added, updated or removed. Warning: main(): Attempting to remove [responseHeader] property in a SolrObject instance in %s on line %d Exception 1006: SolrObject instances are read-only. Properties cannot be added, updated or removed.