편집 파일: 095.phpt
--TEST-- Wrapper cache exaustion test --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --FILE-- <?php require __DIR__ . "/php8compat.php.inc"; $f = array(); $f[] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/latest_winrar.rar"; $f[] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/directories.rar"; $f[] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/dirs_and_extra_headers.rar"; $f[] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/encrypted_only_files.rar"; $f[] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/linux_rar.rar"; $f_l = dirname(__FILE__) . "/rar_unicode.rar"; function printstats() { echo "Stats: ".rar_wrapper_cache_stats()."\n"; } echo "* Invalid call to rar_wrapper_cache_stats():\n"; argerr(function() { rar_wrapper_cache_stats("sfddf"); }); echo "\n* Initial stats:\n"; printstats(); echo "\n* Fill cache:\n"; foreach ($f as $n) { var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($n))); echo "\n"; } printstats(); clearstatcache(); echo "\n* Hit cache:\n"; foreach ($f as $n) { var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($n))); echo "\n"; } printstats(); clearstatcache(); echo "\n* Evict first file:\n"; var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($f_l))); //0 out echo "\n"; printstats(); clearstatcache(); echo "\n* One hit, one miss:\n"; var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($f[1]))); //hit echo "\n"; var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($f[0]))); //miss, 1 out echo "\n"; printstats(); clearstatcache(); echo "\n* Miss on last evicted:\n"; var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($f[1]))); //miss, 2 out echo "\n"; printstats(); clearstatcache(); echo "\n* Hit on three last added :\n"; var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($f_l))); echo "\n"; var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($f[0]))); echo "\n"; var_export(file_exists("rar://" . rawurlencode($f[1]))); echo "\n"; printstats(); clearstatcache(); echo "\n"; echo "Done.\n"; --EXPECTF-- * Invalid call to rar_wrapper_cache_stats(): Warning: rar_wrapper_cache_stats() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d * Initial stats: Stats: 0/0 (hits/misses) * Fill cache: true true true true true Stats: 0/5 (hits/misses) * Hit cache: true true true true true Stats: 5/5 (hits/misses) * Evict first file: true Stats: 5/6 (hits/misses) * One hit, one miss: true true Stats: 6/7 (hits/misses) * Miss on last evicted: true Stats: 6/8 (hits/misses) * Hit on three last added : true true true Stats: 9/8 (hits/misses) Done.