편집 파일: 080.phpt
--TEST-- File stream EOF behavior --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --FILE-- <?php $a = RarArchive::open(dirname(__FILE__) . "/multi.part1.rar"); $a2 = RarArchive::open(dirname(__FILE__) . "/4mb.rar"); function echoeof($stream) { echo feof($stream)?"At eof":"Not at eof"; echo "\n"; } echo "* First fread is given file size:\n"; $stream = $a->getEntry("file1.txt")->getStream(); echoeof($stream); var_dump(fread($stream, 18)); echoeof($stream); var_dump(fread($stream, 1)); echoeof($stream); echo "\n* First fread is given size - 1:\n"; $stream = $a->getEntry("file1.txt")->getStream(); echoeof($stream); var_dump(fread($stream, 17)); echoeof($stream); var_dump(fread($stream, 1)); echoeof($stream); var_dump(fread($stream, 1)); echoeof($stream); echo "\n* First fread is given size + 1:\n"; $stream = $a->getEntry("file1.txt")->getStream(); echoeof($stream); var_dump(fread($stream, 19)); echoeof($stream); echo "\n* Read is aligned with dictionary, buffer and file size:\n"; $stream = $a2->getEntry("4mb.txt")->getStream(); echoeof($stream); var_dump(strlen(fread($stream, 4194304))); echoeof($stream); var_dump(strlen(fread($stream, 1))); echoeof($stream); echo "\n* Read is dictionary, buffer and file size - 1:\n"; $stream = $a2->getEntry("4mb.txt")->getStream(); echoeof($stream); var_dump(strlen(fread($stream, 4194303))); echoeof($stream); var_dump(strlen(fread($stream, 1))); echoeof($stream); var_dump(strlen(fread($stream, 1))); echoeof($stream); echo "\n* Read is dictionary, buffer and file size + 1:\n"; $stream = $a2->getEntry("4mb.txt")->getStream(); echoeof($stream); var_dump(strlen(fread($stream, 4194305))); echoeof($stream); echo "\n"; echo "Done.\n"; --EXPECTF-- * First fread is given file size: Not at eof string(18) "contents of file 1" Not at eof string(0) "" At eof * First fread is given size - 1: Not at eof string(17) "contents of file " Not at eof string(1) "1" Not at eof string(0) "" At eof * First fread is given size + 1: Not at eof string(18) "contents of file 1" At eof * Read is aligned with dictionary, buffer and file size: Not at eof int(4194304) Not at eof int(0) At eof * Read is dictionary, buffer and file size - 1: Not at eof int(4194303) Not at eof int(1) Not at eof int(0) At eof * Read is dictionary, buffer and file size + 1: Not at eof int(4194304) At eof Done.