편집 파일: 078.phpt
--TEST-- Traversal of volume with only an archive continue from last volume --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --FILE-- <?php $f = dirname(__FILE__) . "/garbage.part03.rar"; echo "Traversal with rar_list:\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($f); var_dump(rar_list($a)); echo "Traversal with rar_list (again with the same object):\n"; var_dump(rar_list($a)); echo "\nTraversal with foreach:\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($f); foreach ($a as $e) { die("should not get here"); } echo "Success.\n"; echo "\nUsage of RarArchive::getEntry:\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($f); var_dump($a->getEntry("garbage.txt")); echo "\nUsage of directory stream:\n"; $it = new DirectoryIterator("rar://" . rawurlencode($f)); foreach ($it as $e) { die("should not get here"); } echo "Success.\n"; echo "\nUsage of static url stat:\n"; stat("rar://" . rawurlencode($f) . "#not_there"); echo "Success.\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Done.\n"; --EXPECTF-- Traversal with rar_list: array(0) { } Traversal with rar_list (again with the same object): array(0) { } Traversal with foreach: Success. Usage of RarArchive::getEntry: Warning: RarArchive::getEntry(): cannot find file "garbage.txt" in Rar archive "%sgarbage.part03.rar" in %s on line %d bool(false) Usage of directory stream: Success. Usage of static url stat: Warning: stat(): Found no entry not_there in archive %sgarbage.part03.rar in %s on line %d Warning: stat(): stat failed for rar://%sgarbage.part03.rar#not_there in %s on line %d Success. Done.