편집 파일: server-executeCommand-002.phpt
--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeCommand() takes a read preference --SKIPIF-- <?php require __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic-skipif.inc"; ?> <?php skip_if_not_replica_set(); ?> <?php skip_if_no_secondary(); ?> <?php skip_if_not_clean(DATABASE_NAME, 'system.profile'); ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic.inc"; $manager = create_test_manager(); $rp = new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference(MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::RP_SECONDARY); $secondary = $manager->selectServer($rp); $command = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(array('profile' => 2)); $cursor = $secondary->executeCommand(DATABASE_NAME, $command); $result = current($cursor->toArray()); printf("Set profile level to 2 successfully: %s\n", (empty($result->ok) ? 'no' : 'yes')); $command = new MongoDB\Driver\Command([ 'aggregate' => COLLECTION_NAME, 'pipeline' => [ [ '$match' => [ 'x' => 1 ] ] ], 'cursor' => (object) [], ]); $secondary->executeCommand(DATABASE_NAME, $command, $rp); $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query( array( 'op' => 'command', 'ns' => DATABASE_NAME . '.' . COLLECTION_NAME, ), array( 'sort' => array('ts' => -1), 'limit' => 1, ) ); $cursor = $secondary->executeQuery(DATABASE_NAME . '.system.profile', $query, $rp); $profileEntry = current($cursor->toArray()); var_dump($profileEntry->command); $command = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(array('profile' => 0)); $cursor = $secondary->executeCommand(DATABASE_NAME, $command); $result = current($cursor->toArray()); printf("Set profile level to 0 successfully: %s\n", (empty($result->ok) ? 'no' : 'yes')); ?> ===DONE=== <?php exit(0); ?> --EXPECTF-- Set profile level to 2 successfully: yes object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["aggregate"]=> string(32) "server_server_executeCommand_002" ["pipeline"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["$match"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["x"]=> int(1) } } } ["cursor"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { }%A } Set profile level to 0 successfully: yes ===DONE===