편집 파일: class-wpcode-error.php
<?php /** * This class handles PHP errors, keeping tabs of errors thrown * and the messages displayed back to the user. * * @package wpcode */ /** * WPCode_Error class. */ class WPCode_Error { /** * An array of errors already caught. * * @var array */ private $errors = array(); /** * The error count. * * @var int */ private $error_count; /** * The snippets that have errors. * * @var int[] */ private $snippets_with_errors; /** * The previous exception handler. * * @var callable */ private $previous_exception_handler; /** * WPCode_Error constructor. */ public function __construct() { // When the admin is loaded let's check if there were any errors recorded. add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'gather_errors' ) ); $this->previous_exception_handler = set_exception_handler( array( $this, 'track_errors' ) ); } /** * The error object caught when running the code. * * @param ParseError|Exception|Error|array $error The caught error. * * @return void */ public function add_error( $error ) { $this->errors[] = $error; $this->write_error_to_log( $error ); } /** * Check if an error has been recorded. * * @return bool */ public function has_error() { return ! empty( $this->errors ); } /** * Empty the errors record, useful if you want to * make sure the last error was thrown by your code. * * @return void */ public function clear_errors() { $this->errors = array(); } /** * Store the error in the logs. * * @param array|Exception $error The error object. * * @return void */ private function write_error_to_log( $error ) { $handle = 'error'; if ( is_array( $error ) && isset( $error['snippet'] ) ) { $this->track_snippet_error( $error ); } wpcode()->logger->handle( time(), $this->get_error_message( $error ), $handle ); } /** * Log the error in the snippet specific log and mark the snippet as having an error. * * @param array $error The error object. * * @return void */ private function track_snippet_error( $error ) { if ( ! isset( $error['snippet'] ) ) { return; } if ( is_int( $error['snippet'] ) ) { $snippet = new WPCode_Snippet( absint( $error['snippet'] ) ); } else { $snippet = $error['snippet']; } // Let's see if the snippet is currently marked as having an error. if ( ! isset( $snippet->id ) ) { return; } if ( empty( $error['wpc_type'] ) ) { $error['wpc_type'] = 'error'; } $last_error = $snippet->get_last_error(); // If we already have an error and the type of the current error is not deactivated let's not log it. if ( ! empty( $last_error ) && 'deactivated' === $last_error['wpc_type'] || ! empty( $last_error ) && $last_error['wpc_type'] === $error['wpc_type'] ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $error['time'] ) ) { $error['time'] = time(); } $handle = 'snippet-' . $snippet->get_id(); // Log to snippet specific log. wpcode()->logger->handle( time(), $this->get_error_message( $error ), $handle ); // Store the error details in the snippet meta. $snippet->set_last_error( $error ); do_action( 'wpcode_snippet_error_tracked', $error, $snippet ); // Reset the error count. $this->clear_snippets_errors(); } /** * Get the last error message. * * @return string */ public function get_last_error_message() { if ( empty( $this->errors ) ) { return ''; } $last_error = end( $this->errors ); return $this->get_error_message( $last_error ); } /** * Get the error message from the error object, either an array or an Exception object. * * @param array|Exception $error The error object. * * @return string */ public function get_error_message( $error ) { if ( is_array( $error ) && isset( $error['message'] ) ) { return $error['message']; } if ( ! is_array( $error ) && method_exists( $error, 'getMessage' ) ) { return $error->getMessage(); } return ''; } /** * Get the short version of the error message without the file and line number. * * @param string $message The error message. * * @return string */ public function get_error_message_short( $message ) { $pattern = '/^([^:]+: .+?) in/'; if ( preg_match( $pattern, $message, $matches ) ) { $message = $matches[1]; } return $message; } /** * Set the error count. * * @param int $count The error count. * * @return void */ private function set_error_count( $count ) { $this->error_count = $count; } /** * Set the snippets that have errors. * * @param int[] $snippets Ids of the snippets with errors. * * @return void */ private function set_snippets_with_errors( $snippets ) { update_option( 'wpcode_snippets_errors', $snippets ); } /** * Clear the persistent error count. * * @return void */ public function clear_snippets_errors() { unset( $this->error_count ); delete_option( 'wpcode_snippets_errors' ); $this->snippets_with_errors = false; $this->gather_errors(); } /** * Get the error count. * * @return int */ public function get_error_count() { if ( ! isset( $this->error_count ) ) { $snippets_with_errors = $this->get_snippets_with_errors(); $this->error_count = is_array( $snippets_with_errors ) ? count( $snippets_with_errors ) : 0; } return $this->error_count; } /** * Get the snippets that have errors. * * @return int[] */ public function get_snippets_with_errors() { if ( ! isset( $this->snippets_with_errors ) ) { $this->snippets_with_errors = get_option( 'wpcode_snippets_errors' ); } return $this->snippets_with_errors; } /** * Let's query all the snippets that have an error set to them. * * @return void */ public function gather_errors() { // If we already have an error count, no need to query the db. if ( false !== $this->get_snippets_with_errors() ) { return; } $snippets = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'wpcode', 'posts_per_page' => - 1, 'post_status' => 'any', 'meta_query' => array( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query 'relation' => 'OR', array( 'key' => '_wpcode_last_error', 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ), ), 'fields' => 'ids', ) ); $this->set_snippets_with_errors( $snippets ); $this->set_error_count( count( $snippets ) ); } /** * Track errors thrown by PHP. * * @param Throwable $e The error or exception object. * * @return void */ public function track_errors( $e ) { $error = array( 'line' => $e->getLine(), 'file' => $e->getFile(), 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'type' => 'error', ); if ( wpcode()->execute->is_error_from_wpcode( $error ) && ! empty( $error['line'] ) ) { $snippet = wpcode()->execute->snippet_executed; if ( ! empty( $snippet ) && ! wpcode()->execute->snippet_location_disable( $snippet ) ) { $error['snippet'] = $snippet; $error['error_line'] = $error['line']; // Let's try to determine on which page we are and potentially save that URL in the error details. global $wp; if ( isset( $wp->request ) ) { $error['url'] = home_url( $wp->request ); } wpcode()->error->add_error( $error ); } } $this->call_previous_exception_handler( $e ); } /** * Call the previous exception handler. * * @param Throwable $e The error or exception object. * * @return void * @throws Throwable The error or exception object. */ private function call_previous_exception_handler( $e ) { if ( isset( $this->previous_exception_handler ) ) { call_user_func( $this->previous_exception_handler, $e ); } else { throw $e; } exit(); } }