편집 파일: text_format.cpython-311.pyc
� P�Dg� � �B � d Z dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlm Z ddlm Z ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlmZ g d �Z e j � � e j � � e j � � e j � � fZ ej d ej � � Z ej dej � � Z ed� � Zd ZdZ G d� de� � Z G d� de� � Z G d� de � � Z! d6de"fd�Z#de$fd�Z%d� Z& d7d�Z' d8d�Z( d8d�Z)d� Z*dZ+dZ, G d � d!e � � Z- d9d"�Z. d9d#�Z/ d9d$�Z0 d9d%�Z1 G d&� d'e � � Z2 G d(� d)e � � Z3e3Z4d*� Z5d+� Z6d,� Z7d-� Z8d.� Z9d/� Z:d:d0�Z;d:d1�Z<d2� Z=d3� Z>d4� Z?d5� Z@dS );ac Contains routines for printing protocol messages in text format. Simple usage example:: # Create a proto object and serialize it to a text proto string. message = my_proto_pb2.MyMessage(foo='bar') text_proto = text_format.MessageToString(message) # Parse a text proto string. message = text_format.Parse(text_proto, my_proto_pb2.MyMessage()) z kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)� N)�decoder)� type_checkers)� descriptor)� text_encoding)�unknown_fields)�MessageToString�Parse�PrintMessage� PrintField�PrintFieldValue�Merge�MessageToBytesz-?inf(?:inity)?f?$znanf?$)�'�"zgoogle.protobuf.Anyz c � � e Zd ZdZdS )�Errorz'Top-level module error for text_format.N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__� � �}/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/google/protobuf/text_format.pyr r I s � � � � � �/�/�/�/r r c �0 � � e Zd ZdZd� fd� Zd� Zd� Z� xZS )� ParseErrorz3Thrown in case of text parsing or tokenizing error.Nc �N �� |�A|�?t |� � }|�|d� |� � z }d� ||� � }|�)t t | � � � |� � n't t | � � � � � || _ || _ d S )Nz:{0}z {0} : {1})�str�format�superr �__init__�_line�_column)�self�message�line�column�loc� __class__s �r r zParseError.__init__P s� �� ���t�/���I�I�c� � ��v�}�}�V�$�$�$���"�"�3��0�0�g����J����&�&�w�/�/�/�/��J����&�&�(�(�(��D�J��D�L�L�Lr c � � | j S �N)r! �r# s r �GetLinezParseError.GetLine] s � ��:�r c � � | j S r* )r"