편집 파일: index_command.cpython-38.pyc
U &?�f � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z ddlmZ er|ddlmZ dd lmZ e�e�Ze d d�dd �ZG dd� de�Zdedd�dd�ZG dd� de e�ZdS )a& Contains command classes which may interact with an index / the network. Unlike its sister module, req_command, this module still uses lazy imports so commands which don't always hit the network (e.g. list w/o --outdated or --uptodate) don't need waste time importing PipSession and friends. � N)�Values)� TYPE_CHECKING�List�Optional)�certifi)�Command)�CommandContextMixIn)� SSLContext�� PipSessionr ��returnc C s� t jdk rt�d� d S zdd l} W n tk rD t�d� Y d S X zddlm} W n tk rv t�d� Y d S X |� | j �}|�t� � � |S )N)� � z7Disabling truststore because Python version isn't 3.10+r z1Disabling truststore since ssl support is missing)� truststorez5Disabling truststore because platform isn't supported)�sys�version_info�logger�debug�ssl�ImportError�warning�pip._vendorr r �PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT�load_verify_locationsr �where)r r �ctx� r �M/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/index_command.py�_create_truststore_ssl_context s r c sp e Zd ZdZdd�� fdd�Zeeeee d�dd��Z ed d�d d�Zdeee ee d d�d d�Z � ZS )�SessionCommandMixinzE A class mixin for command classes needing _build_session(). Nr c s t � �� d | _d S )N)�super�__init__�_session)�self�� __class__r r r"