편집 파일: wordlists.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f � �$ � d Z ddlZddlZddlmZmZmZ ddlZ ej d� � Z ej d� � j Zde dee fd�Zd ee dee ee f fd �Z e ed� � � � Z e ed� � � � ZdS ) z�Wordlists loaded from package data. We can treat them as part of the code for the imperative mood check, and therefore we load them at import time, rather than on-demand. � N)�Dict�Iterator�Setz\s*#.*�english�name�returnc # � K � t j dd| z � � }|�_|� d� � }|� � � D ]7}t � d|� � � � � }|r|V � �6dS dS )z�Iterate over lines of a wordlist data file. `name` should be the name of a package data file within the data/ directory. Whitespace and #-prefixed comments are stripped from each line. � pydocstylezdata/N�utf8� )�pkgutil�get_data�decode� splitlines� COMMENT_RE�sub�strip)r �data�text�lines �e/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pydocstyle/wordlists.py� load_wordlistr s� � � � � ��L�'�D�.�9�9�D����{�{�6�"�"���O�O�%�%� � �D��>�>�"�d�+�+�1�1�3�3�D�� �� � � �� �� � � �wordlistc � � i }| D ]D}|� t |� � t � � � � � |� � �E|S )zACreate a dictionary mapping stemmed verbs to the imperative form.)� setdefault�stem�set�add)r �imperative_verbs�words r �make_imperative_verbs_dictr"