편집 파일: __init__.py
""" pygments.styles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains built-in styles. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from pip._vendor.pygments.plugin import find_plugin_styles from pip._vendor.pygments.util import ClassNotFound from pip._vendor.pygments.styles._mapping import STYLES #: A dictionary of built-in styles, mapping style names to #: ``'submodule::classname'`` strings. #: This list is deprecated. Use `pygments.styles.STYLES` instead STYLE_MAP = {v[1]: v[0].split('.')[-1] + '::' + k for k, v in STYLES.items()} #: Internal reverse mapping to make `get_style_by_name` more efficient _STYLE_NAME_TO_MODULE_MAP = {v[1]: (v[0], k) for k, v in STYLES.items()} def get_style_by_name(name): """ Return a style class by its short name. The names of the builtin styles are listed in :data:`pygments.styles.STYLE_MAP`. Will raise :exc:`pygments.util.ClassNotFound` if no style of that name is found. """ if name in _STYLE_NAME_TO_MODULE_MAP: mod, cls = _STYLE_NAME_TO_MODULE_MAP[name] builtin = "yes" else: for found_name, style in find_plugin_styles(): if name == found_name: return style # perhaps it got dropped into our styles package builtin = "" mod = 'pygments.styles.' + name cls = name.title() + "Style" try: mod = __import__(mod, None, None, [cls]) except ImportError: raise ClassNotFound("Could not find style module %r" % mod + (builtin and ", though it should be builtin") + ".") try: return getattr(mod, cls) except AttributeError: raise ClassNotFound("Could not find style class %r in style module." % cls) def get_all_styles(): """Return a generator for all styles by name, both builtin and plugin.""" for v in STYLES.values(): yield v[1] for name, _ in find_plugin_styles(): yield name