편집 파일: ccompiler_opt.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f� � � � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZ G d� d� � Z G d� d� � Z i Z G d� d� � Z G d � d � � Z G d� d� � Z G d � d� � Z G d� dee eee e� � Zd� ZdS )a Provides the `CCompilerOpt` class, used for handling the CPU/hardware optimization, starting from parsing the command arguments, to managing the relation between the CPU baseline and dispatch-able features, also generating the required C headers and ending with compiling the sources with proper compiler's flags. `CCompilerOpt` doesn't provide runtime detection for the CPU features, instead only focuses on the compiler side, but it creates abstract C headers that can be used later for the final runtime dispatching process.� Nc �� � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZej � ej � ej � e � � � � d� � Zi ZdZdZ e eddd � � � eddd� � � eddd � � � ed dd� � � eddd� � � eddd� � � �� � Z eddddddd�� � Z edzi d eddd�� � �d eddd �!� � �d" ed#dd$�!� � �d% ed&d"d'�!� � �d( ed)d%d*�!� � �d+ ed,d(d-�!� � �d. ed/d+�0� � �d1 ed2d.d3d�4� � �d5 ed6d1d7�!� � �d8 ed9d1d7�!� � �d: ed;d1�0� � �d< ed=d:�0� � �d> ed?d:�0� � �d@ edAdBddC�D� � �dE edFd@�0� � �dG edHdEdIdGd�J� � �dK edLdGdMdKd�J� � �dN edOdEdPdNddQ�R� � �dS edTdNdUdS�V� � �dW edXdNdYdWd�J� � �dZ ed[d\d]dZd�J� � �d^ ed_dZd`d^d�J� � �da eddbdc�d� � �de eddad�f� � �dg ed#ded�f� � �dh ed&dgddi�D� � �dj eddk�l� � �dm eddjd�f� � �dn ed#dmd�f� � �do eddp�l� � �dq eddo�0� � �dr ed#dq�0� � �ds ed&dtd�f� � �du ed)ds�0� � �dv ed,ds�0� � �dw ed/du�0� � ��Zdx� Zdy� ZdS ){�_Configa� An abstract class holds all configurable attributes of `CCompilerOpt`, these class attributes can be used to change the default behavior of `CCompilerOpt` in order to fit other requirements. Attributes ---------- conf_nocache : bool Set True to disable memory and file cache. Default is False. conf_noopt : bool Set True to forces the optimization to be disabled, in this case `CCompilerOpt` tends to generate all expected headers in order to 'not' break the build. Default is False. conf_cache_factors : list Add extra factors to the primary caching factors. The caching factors are utilized to determine if there are changes had happened that requires to discard the cache and re-updating it. The primary factors are the arguments of `CCompilerOpt` and `CCompiler`'s properties(type, flags, etc). Default is list of two items, containing the time of last modification of `ccompiler_opt` and value of attribute "conf_noopt" conf_tmp_path : str, The path of temporary directory. Default is auto-created temporary directory via ``tempfile.mkdtemp()``. conf_check_path : str The path of testing files. Each added CPU feature must have a **C** source file contains at least one intrinsic or instruction that related to this feature, so it can be tested against the compiler. Default is ``./distutils/checks``. conf_target_groups : dict Extra tokens that can be reached from dispatch-able sources through the special mark ``@targets``. Default is an empty dictionary. **Notes**: - case-insensitive for tokens and group names - sign '#' must stick in the begin of group name and only within ``@targets`` **Example**: .. code-block:: console $ "@targets #avx_group other_tokens" > group_inside.c >>> CCompilerOpt.conf_target_groups["avx_group"] = \ "$werror $maxopt avx2 avx512f avx512_skx" >>> cco = CCompilerOpt(cc_instance) >>> cco.try_dispatch(["group_inside.c"]) conf_c_prefix : str The prefix of public C definitions. Default is ``"NPY_"``. conf_c_prefix_ : str The prefix of internal C definitions. Default is ``"NPY__"``. conf_cc_flags : dict Nested dictionaries defining several compiler flags that linked to some major functions, the main key represent the compiler name and sub-keys represent flags names. Default is already covers all supported **C** compilers. Sub-keys explained as follows: "native": str or None used by argument option `native`, to detect the current machine support via the compiler. "werror": str or None utilized to treat warning as errors during testing CPU features against the compiler and also for target's policy `$werror` via dispatch-able sources. "maxopt": str or None utilized for target's policy '$maxopt' and the value should contains the maximum acceptable optimization by the compiler. e.g. in gcc `'-O3'` **Notes**: * case-sensitive for compiler names and flags * use space to separate multiple flags * any flag will tested against the compiler and it will skipped if it's not applicable. conf_min_features : dict A dictionary defines the used CPU features for argument option `'min'`, the key represent the CPU architecture name e.g. `'x86'`. Default values provide the best effort on wide range of users platforms. **Note**: case-sensitive for architecture names. conf_features : dict Nested dictionaries used for identifying the CPU features. the primary key is represented as a feature name or group name that gathers several features. Default values covers all supported features but without the major options like "flags", these undefined options handle it by method `conf_features_partial()`. Default value is covers almost all CPU features for *X86*, *IBM/Power64* and *ARM 7/8*. Sub-keys explained as follows: "implies" : str or list, optional, List of CPU feature names to be implied by it, the feature name must be defined within `conf_features`. Default is None. "flags": str or list, optional List of compiler flags. Default is None. "detect": str or list, optional List of CPU feature names that required to be detected in runtime. By default, its the feature name or features in "group" if its specified. "implies_detect": bool, optional If True, all "detect" of implied features will be combined. Default is True. see `feature_detect()`. "group": str or list, optional Same as "implies" but doesn't require the feature name to be defined within `conf_features`. "interest": int, required a key for sorting CPU features "headers": str or list, optional intrinsics C header file "disable": str, optional force disable feature, the string value should contains the reason of disabling. "autovec": bool or None, optional True or False to declare that CPU feature can be auto-vectorized by the compiler. By default(None), treated as True if the feature contains at least one applicable flag. see `feature_can_autovec()` "extra_checks": str or list, optional Extra test case names for the CPU feature that need to be tested against the compiler. Each test case must have a C file named ``extra_xxxx.c``, where ``xxxx`` is the case name in lower case, under 'conf_check_path'. It should contain at least one intrinsic or function related to the test case. If the compiler able to successfully compile the C file then `CCompilerOpt` will add a C ``#define`` for it into the main dispatch header, e.g. ``#define {conf_c_prefix}_XXXX`` where ``XXXX`` is the case name in upper case. **NOTES**: * space can be used as separator with options that supports "str or list" * case-sensitive for all values and feature name must be in upper-case. * if flags aren't applicable, its will skipped rather than disable the CPU feature * the CPU feature will disabled if the compiler fail to compile the test file FN�checks�NPY_�NPY__z -march=nativez-O3z-Werror)�native�opt�werrorz-Werror=switch -Werrorz-xHostz/QxHostz/O3z/Werrorz/O2z/WXz-mcpu=a64fx)�gcc�clang�icc�iccw�msvc�fcczSSE SSE2z SSE SSE2 SSE3� zVSX VSX2zNEON NEON_FP16 NEON_VFPV4 ASIMD)�x86�x64�ppc64�ppc64le�s390x�armhf�aarch64�SSE� zxmmintrin.h�SSE2)�interest�headers�implies� zemmintrin.h)r r r �SSE3� zpmmintrin.h�SSSE3� ztmmintrin.h�SSE41� zsmmintrin.h�POPCNT� zpopcntintrin.h�SSE42� )r r �AVX� zimmintrin.h)r r r �implies_detect�XOP� zx86intrin.h�FMA4� �F16C� �FMA3� �AVX2� �AVX512F� z FMA3 AVX2�AVX512F_REDUCE)r r r, �extra_checks�AVX512CD� � AVX512_KNL�( zAVX512ER AVX512PF)r r �group�detectr, � AVX512_KNM�) z)AVX5124FMAPS AVX5124VNNIW AVX512VPOPCNTDQ� AVX512_SKX�* zAVX512VL AVX512BW AVX512DQzAVX512BW_MASK AVX512DQ_MASK)r r r? r@ r, r: � AVX512_CLX�+ � AVX512VNNI)r r r? r@ � AVX512_CNL�, zAVX512IFMA AVX512VBMI� AVX512_ICL�- zAVX512_CLX AVX512_CNLz(AVX512VBMI2 AVX512BITALG AVX512VPOPCNTDQ� AVX512_SPR�. � AVX512FP16�VSXz altivec.h�VSX_ASM)r r r: �VSX2)r r r, �VSX3�VSX4�VSX4_MMA�VXzvecintrin.h)r r �VXE�VXE2�NEONz arm_neon.h� NEON_FP16� NEON_VFPV4�ASIMDzNEON_FP16 NEON_VFPV4�ASIMDHP�ASIMDDP�ASIMDFHMc �p � | j ri S | j p| j }| j p | j p| j }|�r�|�r�t dwi dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d �� � �d t d�� � �dt d �� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �d t d!�� � �d"t d#�� � �d$t d%�� � �d&t d'�� � �d(t d)�� � �d*t d+�� � �d,t d-�� � ��S |�rp| j �rht dwi dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �dt d �� � �d t d�� � �di �dt d�� � �dt d�� � �di �dt d.�/� � �dt d.�/� � �dt d0d1�2� � �dt dd1�2� � �dt d3d4�2� � �dt d5d4�2� � �d t d6�� � �d"t d7�� � �d$t d8�� � �d&t d9�� � �d(t d:�� � �d*t d;�� � �d,t d<�/� � ��S |�rp| j �rht dwi dt d=�� � �dt d>�� � �dt d?�� � �dt d@�� � �d t dA�� � �di �dt dB�� � �dt dC�� � �di �dt d.�/� � �dt d.�/� � �dt d0dD�2� � �dt ddD�2� � �dt d3dE�2� � �dt d5dE�2� � �d t dF�� � �d"t dG�� � �d$t dH�� � �d&t dI�� � �d(t dJ�� � �d*t dK�� � �d,t d<�/� � ��S |�r.| j �r&t dwi d| j rt d=�� � ni �d| j rt d>�� � ni �di �di �d i �dt dL�M� � �di �dt dC�� � �di �dt dN�M� � �dt dN�M� � �dt d0dO�2� � �dt dPdO�2� � �dt dQdR�2� � �dt dSdR�2� � �d t dT�/� � �d"t dT�/� � �d$t dR�� � �d&i �d(i �d*i �d,t dT�/� � ��S | j p| j }|r�t t | j rdUndVdW�2� � t dXdY�Z� � t d[dY�Z� � t d\dY�Z� � �]� � }| j r,d^|d_ d`<