편집 파일: variable_name_checker.rb
# frozen-string-literal: true require_relative "../../spell_checker" module DidYouMean class VariableNameChecker attr_reader :name, :method_names, :lvar_names, :ivar_names, :cvar_names NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE = { 'foo' => [:fork, :for] } NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE.default = [] Ractor.make_shareable(NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE) if defined?(Ractor) # +VariableNameChecker::RB_RESERVED_WORDS+ is the list of all reserved # words in Ruby. They could be declared like methods are, and a typo would # cause Ruby to raise a +NameError+ because of the way they are declared. # # The +:VariableNameChecker+ will use this list to suggest a reversed word # if a +NameError+ is raised and found closest matches, excluding: # # * +do+ # * +if+ # * +in+ # * +or+ # # Also see +MethodNameChecker::RB_RESERVED_WORDS+. RB_RESERVED_WORDS = %i( BEGIN END alias and begin break case class def defined? else elsif end ensure false for module next nil not redo rescue retry return self super then true undef unless until when while yield __LINE__ __FILE__ __ENCODING__ ) Ractor.make_shareable(RB_RESERVED_WORDS) if defined?(Ractor) def initialize(exception) @name = exception.name.to_s.tr("@", "") @lvar_names = exception.respond_to?(:local_variables) ? exception.local_variables : [] receiver = exception.receiver @method_names = receiver.methods + receiver.private_methods @ivar_names = receiver.instance_variables @cvar_names = receiver.class.class_variables @cvar_names += receiver.class_variables if receiver.kind_of?(Module) end def corrections @corrections ||= SpellChecker .new(dictionary: (RB_RESERVED_WORDS + lvar_names + method_names + ivar_names + cvar_names)) .correct(name).uniq - NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE[@name] end end end