편집 파일: traceback.cpython-38.pyc
U ʗRe�e � @ s� d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZmZ d dlm Z d dl mZmZ d dl mZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZmZmZmZmZ d d lm Z! d d lm"Z" d dl#m$Z$ dd l%m&Z& ddl'm(Z( ddl)m*Z* ddl+m,Z,m-Z-m.Z.m/Z/m0Z0 ddl1m2Z2 ddl3m4Z4m5Z5 ddl6m7Z7 ddl8m9Z9 ddl:m;Z; ddl<m=Z= dd l>m Z ddl?m@Z@ e�A� dkZBdZCdZDdddddddddd � ee, eeE eEeeF eGeGeGeeeFef eEeeeH eHee gef d!� d"d#�ZIeG d$d%� d%��ZJeG d&d'� d'��ZKeG d(d)� d)��ZLeG d*d+� d+��ZMG d,d-� d-e4�ZNG d.d/� d/�ZOePd0k�r�dd1l+m,Z, e,� Z+d dlZedd2�d3d4�ZQedd2�d5d6�ZRdd7�d8d9�ZSeS� dS ):� )�absolute_importN)� dataclass�field)�walk_tb)� ModuleType� TracebackType) �Any�Callable�Dict�Iterable�List�Optional�Sequence�Type�Union)�guess_lexer_for_filename)�Comment�Keyword�Name�Number�Operator�String)�Text)�Token)� ClassNotFound� )�pretty)� loop_last)�Columns)�Console�ConsoleOptions�ConsoleRenderable�RenderResult�group)� Constrain)�RegexHighlighter�ReprHighlighter)�Panel)�render_scope)�Style)�Syntax)�Theme�Windows� �P �d � FT� ) �console�width�extra_lines�theme� word_wrap�show_locals� indent_guides�suppress� max_frames) r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r: �returnc s� | dkrt tjd�n| �tt ttt dd���������� f dd�� tdd�� fdd�} zt� } | | � tj W S t k r� tj }� t_ | Y S X dS ) a8 Install a rich traceback handler. Once installed, any tracebacks will be printed with syntax highlighting and rich formatting. Args: console (Optional[Console], optional): Console to write exception to. Default uses internal Console instance. width (Optional[int], optional): Width (in characters) of traceback. Defaults to 100. extra_lines (int, optional): Extra lines of code. Defaults to 3. theme (Optional[str], optional): Pygments theme to use in traceback. Defaults to ``None`` which will pick a theme appropriate for the platform. word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping of long lines. Defaults to False. show_locals (bool, optional): Enable display of local variables. Defaults to False. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indent guides in code and locals. Defaults to True. suppress (Sequence[Union[str, ModuleType]]): Optional sequence of modules or paths to exclude from traceback. Returns: Callable: The previous exception handler that was replaced. N)�file)�type_�value� tracebackr; c s* �� tj| ||�� ������d�� d S )N)r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r: )�print� Traceback�from_exception)r= r>