편집 파일: _mapping.cpython-38.pyc
U ʗReu � @ s� d Z ddddddddd d ddd dddddd�Zedk�r�ddlZddlZg Zg Zej�dej� ej� e�dd�� ddlm Z e�d�D ]�\ZZZeD ]�Ze�d�r�e�d�s�dedd� �dd�edd� f Zee� eeddd g�ZejD ]<Zeee�Ze�d!eeeje ej!�e ej"�e e�ff � q�q�q�e�#� e$e��Z%e%�&� Z'e'�d"d#�Z'W 5 Q R X e'de'�(d$�� Z)e'e'�(d%�d� Z*e$ed&��.Z%e%�+e)� e%�+d'd(� e� � e%�+e*� W 5 Q R X ed)e,e� � dS )*a� pygments.formatters._mapping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Formatter mapping definitions. This file is generated by itself. Every time you change something on a builtin formatter definition, run this script from the formatters folder to update it. Do not alter the FORMATTERS dictionary by hand. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. )zpygments.formatters.bbcode�BBCode)�bbcodeZbb� z�Format tokens with BBcodes. These formatting codes are used by many bulletin boards, so you can highlight your sourcecode with pygments before posting it there.)�pygments.formatters.imgZimg_bmp)ZbmpZbitmap)z*.bmpzwCreate a bitmap image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code.)r Zimg_gif)Zgif)z*.gifztCreate a GIF image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code.)zpygments.formatters.groff�groff)r ZtroffZroffr zFFormat tokens with groff escapes to change their color and font style.)zpygments.formatters.html�HTML)�html)z*.htmlz*.htmz�Format tokens as HTML 4 ``<span>`` tags within a ``<pre>`` tag, wrapped in a ``<div>`` tag. The ``<div>``'s CSS class can be set by the `cssclass` option.)zpygments.formatters.irc�IRC)�ircr r z&Format tokens with IRC color sequences)r �img)r ZIMGZpng)z*.pngztCreate a PNG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code.)r Zimg_jpg)ZjpgZjpeg)z*.jpgzuCreate a JPEG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code.)zpygments.formatters.latexZLaTeX)�latex�tex)z*.texzUFormat tokens as LaTeX code. This needs the `fancyvrb` and `color` standard packages.)�pygments.formatters.otherz Text only)�text�null)z*.txtz1Output the text unchanged without any formatting.)zpygments.formatters.pangomarkupzPango Markup)ZpangoZpangomarkupr zFFormat tokens as Pango Markup code. It can then be rendered to an SVG.)r z Raw tokens)�raw�tokens)z*.rawz@Format tokens as a raw representation for storing token streams.)zpygments.formatters.rtfZRTF)Zrtf)z*.rtfz�Format tokens as RTF markup. This formatter automatically outputs full RTF documents with color information and other useful stuff. Perfect for Copy and Paste into Microsoft(R) Word(R) documents.)zpygments.formatters.svgZSVG)�svg)z*.svgz�Format tokens as an SVG graphics file. This formatter is still experimental. Each line of code is a ``<text>`` element with explicit ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates containing ``<tspan>`` elements with the individual token styles.)�pygments.formatters.terminal256ZTerminal256)Zterminal256Z console256�256r z�Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a 256-color terminal or console. Like in `TerminalFormatter` color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.)zpygments.formatters.terminalZTerminal)Zterminal�consoler z�Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a text console. Color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.)r ZTerminalTrueColor)Zterminal16mZ console16mZ16mr z�Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a true-color terminal or console. Like in `TerminalFormatter` color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.)r ZTestcase)Ztestcaser z0Format tokens as appropriate for a new testcase.)ZBBCodeFormatterZBmpImageFormatterZGifImageFormatterZGroffFormatterZ HtmlFormatterZIRCFormatterZImageFormatterZJpgImageFormatterZLatexFormatterZ NullFormatterZPangoMarkupFormatterZRawTokenFormatterZRtfFormatterZSvgFormatterZTerminal256FormatterZTerminalFormatterZTerminalTrueColorFormatterZTestcaseFormatter�__main__� Nz..)�docstring_headline�.z.py�_zpygments.formatters%s.%s� �/���� z%r: %rz � zFORMATTERS = {zif __name__ == '__main__':�wzFORMATTERS = { %s } z, z=== %d formatters processed.)-�__doc__Z FORMATTERS�__name__�sys�osZfound_formattersZimports�path�insert�join�dirname�__file__�pip._vendor.pygments.utilr �walk�root�dirs�files�filename�endswith� startswith�replace�module_name�print� __import__�module�__all__Zformatter_name�getattr� formatter�append�name�tuple�aliases� filenames�sort�open�fp�read�content�find�header�footer�write�lenr r r ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python38-pip-22.2.1-2.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/_mapping.py�<module> st � " � ���