편집 파일: __init__.cpython-38.pyc
U ʗRe� � @ sF d Z ddlmZmZ dZdZdddgZdd� Zdd d�Zd dd�Z d S )a Pygments ~~~~~~~~ Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. It is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software such as forum systems, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. Highlights are: * a wide range of common languages and markup formats is supported * special attention is paid to details, increasing quality by a fair amount * support for new languages and formats are added easily * a number of output formats, presently HTML, LaTeX, RTF, SVG, all image formats that PIL supports, and ANSI sequences * it is usable as a command-line tool and as a library * ... and it highlights even Brainfuck! The `Pygments master branch`_ is installable with ``easy_install Pygments==dev``. .. _Pygments master branch: https://github.com/pygments/pygments/archive/master.zip#egg=Pygments-dev :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. � )�StringIO�BytesIOz2.12.0�restructuredtext�lex�format� highlightc C sj z|� | �W S tk rd } z:t|jd t�rRd|jd ksJd|jd krRtd��� W 5 d}~X Y nX dS )zG Lex ``code`` with ``lexer`` and return an iterable of tokens. r zunbound method get_tokens�&missing 1 required positional argumentz4lex() argument must be a lexer instance, not a classN)� get_tokens� TypeError� isinstance�args�str)�code�lexer�err� r ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python38-pip-22.2.1-2.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__init__.pyr # s ��Nc C s� zB|s4t |dd�rt� pt� }|�| |� |�� W S |�| |� W nX tk r� } z:t|jd t�r�d|jd ks�d|jd kr�td��� W 5 d}~X Y nX dS )z� Format a tokenlist ``tokens`` with the formatter ``formatter``. If ``outfile`` is given and a valid file object (an object with a ``write`` method), the result will be written to it, otherwise it is returned as a string. �encodingNr zunbound method formatr z;format() argument must be a formatter instance, not a class) �getattrr r r �getvaluer r r r )�tokens� formatter�outfile�realoutfiler r r r r 2 s ��c C s t t| |�||�S )z� Lex ``code`` with ``lexer`` and format it with the formatter ``formatter``. If ``outfile`` is given and a valid file object (an object with a ``write`` method), the result will be written to it, otherwise it is returned as a string. )r r )r r r r r r r r J s )N)N) �__doc__�ior r �__version__� __docformat__�__all__r r r r r r r �<module> s