편집 파일: link.cpython-38.pyc
U ʗRe�( � @ s d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZm Z m Z mZmZm Z mZmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZmZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZ er�d dlmZ e�e �Z!d Z"G d d� de�Z#G dd � d e�Z$e#e$d�dd�Z%e j&dd�e#e#e'd�dd��Z(dS )� N)� TYPE_CHECKING�Dict�List�Mapping� NamedTuple�Optional�Tuple�Union)�WHEEL_EXTENSION)�Hashes)�redact_auth_from_url�split_auth_from_netloc�splitext)�KeyBasedCompareMixin)�path_to_url�url_to_path)�IndexContent)�sha512�sha384�sha256�sha224�sha1�md5c s: e Zd ZdZdddddddgZdDeeeedf ee ee eee eef d d�� fd d� Z ed�dd�Zed�dd�Ze ed�dd��Ze ed�dd��Ze ed�dd��Ze ed�dd��Ze ed�dd��Ze ed�dd��Zeeef d�d d!�Ze ed�d"d#��Ze ed�d$d%��Ze�d&�Ze ee d�d'd(��Ze�d)�Ze ee d�d*d+��Ze�d,jd-�e �d.��Z!e ee d�d/d0��Z"e ee d�d1d2��Z#e ed�d3d4��Z$e ed�d5d6��Z%ed�d7d8�Z&e ed�d9d:��Z'e ed�d;d<��Z(e ed�d=d>��Z)e ed�d?d@��Z*ee+ edA�dBdC�Z,� Z-S )E�Linkz:Represents a parsed link from a Package Index's simple URL�_parsed_url�_url�_hashes� comes_from�requires_python� yanked_reason�cache_link_parsingNTr )�urlr r r r �hashes�returnc sl |� d�rt|�}tj�|�| _|| _|dk r2|ni | _|| _|rF|nd| _ || _ t� j|t d� || _dS )aG :param url: url of the resource pointed to (href of the link) :param comes_from: instance of IndexContent where the link was found, or string. :param requires_python: String containing the `Requires-Python` metadata field, specified in PEP 345. This may be specified by a data-requires-python attribute in the HTML link tag, as described in PEP 503. :param yanked_reason: the reason the file has been yanked, if the file has been yanked, or None if the file hasn't been yanked. This is the value of the "data-yanked" attribute, if present, in a simple repository HTML link. If the file has been yanked but no reason was provided, this should be the empty string. See PEP 592 for more information and the specification. :param cache_link_parsing: A flag that is used elsewhere to determine whether resources retrieved from this link should be cached. PyPI index urls should generally have this set to False, for example. :param hashes: A mapping of hash names to digests to allow us to determine the validity of a download. z\\N)�key�defining_class)� startswithr �urllib�parse�urlsplitr r r r r r �super�__init__r r )�selfr! r r r r r"