편집 파일: zxjdbc.cpython-37.pyc
B ��4]� � @ s� d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lm Z dd l mZ G dd� de�ZG d d� de�Z G dd� dee�ZeZdS )a� .. dialect:: mysql+zxjdbc :name: zxjdbc for Jython :dbapi: zxjdbc :connectstring: mysql+zxjdbc://<user>:<password>@<hostname>[:<port>]/<database> :driverurl: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ .. note:: Jython is not supported by current versions of SQLAlchemy. The zxjdbc dialect should be considered as experimental. Character Sets -------------- SQLAlchemy zxjdbc dialects pass unicode straight through to the zxjdbc/JDBC layer. To allow multiple character sets to be sent from the MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver, by default SQLAlchemy sets its ``characterEncoding`` connection property to ``UTF-8``. It may be overridden via a ``create_engine`` URL parameter. � N� )�BIT)�MySQLDialect)�MySQLExecutionContext� )�types)�util)�ZxJDBCConnectorc @ s e Zd Zdd� ZdS )� _ZxJDBCBitc C s dd� }|S )z@Converts boolean or byte arrays from MySQL Connector/J to longs.c S sH | d kr| S t | t�rt| �S d}x| D ]}|d>