편집 파일: polynomial.cpython-37.pyc
B ��Fdf� � @ s� d Z ddlmZmZmZ ddddddd d ddd ddddddddddddddddgZddlZddlZddl m Z ddlm Z d d!lmZ d d"lmZ ejZe�d#d g�Ze�dg�Ze�d g�Ze�dd g�Zd$d� Zd%d� Zd&d� Zd'd � Zd(d � Zd)d� Zd*d� Z d>d+d �Z!d?d,d�Z"d g dd dfd-d�Z#d@d/d�Z$dAd0d�Z%d1d� Z&d2d� Z'd3d� Z(d4d� Z)d5d� Z*d6d� Z+d7d� Z,dBd9d�Z-d:d;� Z.d<d� Z/G d=d� de�Z0dS )Ca� Objects for dealing with polynomials. This module provides a number of objects (mostly functions) useful for dealing with polynomials, including a `Polynomial` class that encapsulates the usual arithmetic operations. (General information on how this module represents and works with polynomial objects is in the docstring for its "parent" sub-package, `numpy.polynomial`). Constants --------- - `polydomain` -- Polynomial default domain, [-1,1]. - `polyzero` -- (Coefficients of the) "zero polynomial." - `polyone` -- (Coefficients of the) constant polynomial 1. - `polyx` -- (Coefficients of the) identity map polynomial, ``f(x) = x``. Arithmetic ---------- - `polyadd` -- add two polynomials. - `polysub` -- subtract one polynomial from another. - `polymul` -- multiply two polynomials. - `polydiv` -- divide one polynomial by another. - `polypow` -- raise a polynomial to an positive integer power - `polyval` -- evaluate a polynomial at given points. - `polyval2d` -- evaluate a 2D polynomial at given points. - `polyval3d` -- evaluate a 3D polynomial at given points. - `polygrid2d` -- evaluate a 2D polynomial on a Cartesian product. - `polygrid3d` -- evaluate a 3D polynomial on a Cartesian product. Calculus -------- - `polyder` -- differentiate a polynomial. - `polyint` -- integrate a polynomial. Misc Functions -------------- - `polyfromroots` -- create a polynomial with specified roots. - `polyroots` -- find the roots of a polynomial. - `polyvalfromroots` -- evalute a polynomial at given points from roots. - `polyvander` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for powers. - `polyvander2d` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for 2D power series. - `polyvander3d` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for 3D power series. - `polycompanion` -- companion matrix in power series form. - `polyfit` -- least-squares fit returning a polynomial. - `polytrim` -- trim leading coefficients from a polynomial. - `polyline` -- polynomial representing given straight line. Classes ------- - `Polynomial` -- polynomial class. See Also -------- `numpy.polynomial` � )�division�absolute_import�print_function�polyzero�polyone�polyx� polydomain�polyline�polyadd�polysub�polymulx�polymul�polydiv�polypow�polyval�polyvalfromroots�polyder�polyint� polyfromroots� polyvander�polyfit�polytrim� polyroots� Polynomial� polyval2d� polyval3d� polygrid2d� polygrid3d�polyvander2d�polyvander3dN)�normalize_axis_index� )� polyutils)�ABCPolyBase���c C s&