편집 파일: nanfunctions.cpython-37.pyc
B ��Fd�� � @ s� d Z ddlmZmZmZ ddlZddlZddlm Z ddddd d ddd ddddg Z dd� Zdd� Zd1dd�Z ddejfdd�Zddejfdd�Zd2dd �Zd3dd�Zdddejfdd�Zdddejfdd�Zd4dd�Zd5dd�Zdddejfd d �Zd6d"d#�Zd7d$d%�Zd8d&d'�Zddd!ejfd(d�Zddd!d)ejfd*d�Zd9d+d,�Zd:d-d.�Zddddejfd/d �Zddddejfd0d�Z dS );as Functions that ignore NaN. Functions --------- - `nanmin` -- minimum non-NaN value - `nanmax` -- maximum non-NaN value - `nanargmin` -- index of minimum non-NaN value - `nanargmax` -- index of maximum non-NaN value - `nansum` -- sum of non-NaN values - `nanprod` -- product of non-NaN values - `nancumsum` -- cumulative sum of non-NaN values - `nancumprod` -- cumulative product of non-NaN values - `nanmean` -- mean of non-NaN values - `nanvar` -- variance of non-NaN values - `nanstd` -- standard deviation of non-NaN values - `nanmedian` -- median of non-NaN values - `nanpercentile` -- qth percentile of non-NaN values � )�division�absolute_import�print_functionN)�_ureduce�nansum�nanmax�nanmin� nanargmax� nanargmin�nanmean� nanmedian� nanpercentile�nanvar�nanstd�nanprod� nancumsum� nancumprodc C sf t j| ddd�} | jt jkr&| | k}n t| jjt j�rBt �| �}nd}|dk r^t j| ||d� | |fS )a� If `a` is of inexact type, make a copy of `a`, replace NaNs with the `val` value, and return the copy together with a boolean mask marking the locations where NaNs were present. If `a` is not of inexact type, do nothing and return `a` together with a mask of None. Note that scalars will end up as array scalars, which is important for using the result as the value of the out argument in some operations. Parameters ---------- a : array-like Input array. val : float NaN values are set to val before doing the operation. Returns ------- y : ndarray If `a` is of inexact type, return a copy of `a` with the NaNs replaced by the fill value, otherwise return `a`. mask: {bool, None} If `a` is of inexact type, return a boolean mask marking locations of NaNs, otherwise return None. T)Zsubok�copyN)�where) �np�array�dtype�object_� issubclass�type�inexact�isnan�copyto)�a�val�mask� r! �I/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/nanfunctions.py�_replace_nan$ s r# c C s0 t | tj�r tj| ||dd� n| j�|�} | S )a\ Replace values in `a` with NaN where `mask` is True. This differs from copyto in that it will deal with the case where `a` is a numpy scalar. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray or numpy scalar Array or numpy scalar some of whose values are to be replaced by val. val : numpy scalar Value used a replacement. mask : ndarray, scalar Boolean array. Where True the corresponding element of `a` is replaced by `val`. Broadcasts. Returns ------- res : ndarray, scalar Array with elements replaced or scalar `val`. �unsafe)r �casting)� isinstancer �ndarrayr r r )r r r r! r! r"