편집 파일: test_system_info.cpython-37.pyc
B ��Fd? � @ s d dl mZmZ d dlZd dlZd dlmZmZ d dlm Z m Z d dlmZ d dl mZ d dlmZmZmZmZ d dlmZ d d lmZmZ d d lmZmZ ddd �ZdatadZdd� Ze� Z G dd� de�Z!G dd� de!�Z"G dd� de!�Z#G dd� de�Z$e%dk�re� dS )� )�division�print_functionN)�mkstemp�mkdtemp)�Popen�PIPE)�DistutilsError)� ccompiler)�TestCase�run_module_suite�assert_�assert_equal)�skipif)�system_info�ConfigParser)�default_lib_dirs�default_include_dirs� c C s t td��| �� t�}|� S )zg notfound_action: 0 - do nothing 1 - display warning message 2 - raise error )�temp1�temp2)� TestTemp1� TestTemp2�get�lower�test_system_info)�nameZnotfound_action�cl� r ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python37-numpy-1.13.3-8.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/distutils/tests/test_system_info.py� get_class s r aZ [ALL] library_dirs = {dir1:s}{pathsep:s}{dir2:s} libraries = {lib1:s},{lib2:s} extra_compile_args = -I/fake/directory runtime_library_dirs = {dir1:s} [temp1] library_dirs = {dir1:s} libraries = {lib1:s} runtime_library_dirs = {dir1:s} [temp2] library_dirs = {dir2:s} libraries = {lib2:s} extra_link_args = -Wl,-rpath={lib2:s} rpath = {dir2:s} z� /* This file is generated from numpy/distutils/testing/test_system_info.py */ #include<stdio.h> void foo(void) { printf("Hello foo"); } void bar(void) { printf("Hello bar"); } c C s� t �� } | �d� y | j}W nD tk r` y| js<| �� W n tk rR dS X | jg}Y nX y.t |t t d�}|j�� |j �� |�� W n tk r� dS X dS )z? Return True if there appears to be an executable compiler NF)�stdout�stderrT)r �new_compiler� customize�compiler�AttributeError�initialized� initializer �ccr r r �closer! �wait�OSError)r$ �cmd�pr r r � have_compiler; s&