편집 파일: machar.cpython-37.pyc
B ��Fd%* � @ s\ d Z ddlmZmZmZ dgZddlmZ ddlm Z G dd� de �ZedkrXe e� � dS ) z� Machine arithmetics - determine the parameters of the floating-point arithmetic system Author: Pearu Peterson, September 2003 � )�division�absolute_import�print_function�MachAr)�any)�errstatec @ s8 e Zd ZdZeeedd� dfdd�Zdd� Zd d � ZdS )r a� Diagnosing machine parameters. Attributes ---------- ibeta : int Radix in which numbers are represented. it : int Number of base-`ibeta` digits in the floating point mantissa M. machep : int Exponent of the smallest (most negative) power of `ibeta` that, added to 1.0, gives something different from 1.0 eps : float Floating-point number ``beta**machep`` (floating point precision) negep : int Exponent of the smallest power of `ibeta` that, subtracted from 1.0, gives something different from 1.0. epsneg : float Floating-point number ``beta**negep``. iexp : int Number of bits in the exponent (including its sign and bias). minexp : int Smallest (most negative) power of `ibeta` consistent with there being no leading zeros in the mantissa. xmin : float Floating point number ``beta**minexp`` (the smallest [in magnitude] usable floating value). maxexp : int Smallest (positive) power of `ibeta` that causes overflow. xmax : float ``(1-epsneg) * beta**maxexp`` (the largest [in magnitude] usable floating value). irnd : int In ``range(6)``, information on what kind of rounding is done in addition, and on how underflow is handled. ngrd : int Number of 'guard digits' used when truncating the product of two mantissas to fit the representation. epsilon : float Same as `eps`. tiny : float Same as `xmin`. huge : float Same as `xmax`. precision : float ``- int(-log10(eps))`` resolution : float ``- 10**(-precision)`` Parameters ---------- float_conv : function, optional Function that converts an integer or integer array to a float or float array. Default is `float`. int_conv : function, optional Function that converts a float or float array to an integer or integer array. Default is `int`. float_to_float : function, optional Function that converts a float array to float. Default is `float`. Note that this does not seem to do anything useful in the current implementation. float_to_str : function, optional Function that converts a single float to a string. Default is ``lambda v:'%24.16e' %v``. title : str, optional Title that is printed in the string representation of `MachAr`. See Also -------- finfo : Machine limits for floating point types. iinfo : Machine limits for integer types. References ---------- .. [1] Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery, "Numerical Recipes in C++," 2nd ed, Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 31. c C s d| S )Nz%24.16e� )�vr r �D/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/machar.py�<lambda>d � zMachAr.<lambda>zPython floating point numberc C s, t dd�� | �|||||� W dQ R X dS )a! float_conv - convert integer to float (array) int_conv - convert float (array) to integer float_to_float - convert float array to float float_to_str - convert array float to str title - description of used floating point numbers �ignore)ZunderN)r �_do_init)�self� float_conv�int_conv�float_to_float�float_to_str�titler r r �__init__b s zMachAr.__init__c . C s� d}d}|d�}|| } || } |}xLt |�D ].}|| }|| } | | }t|| | k�r.P q.W t|||jf ��|}xLt |�D ].}|| }|| } || | �}t|dk�r�P q�W t|||jf ��|}||�}d}|}xTt |�D ]6}|d }|| }|| } | | }t|| | k�r�P q�W t|||jf ��|| }|}xPt |�D ]2}|| }|| } | | }t|| | k��rDP �qDW t|||jf ��|| } d}t| | | k��r�d}|| }|| } |dk�r�t| | | k��r�d}|d }|| }|}xt |�D ]}|| }�q�W |}xht |�D ]J}|| } t| | | k��r<P || }|d }|dk �rtdt� ���qW t|||jf ��| }|}| d }|}xPt |�D ]2}|| } t| | | k��r�P || }|d }�q�W t|||jf ��|}d}|| } |dk�rt| | | | k��rd}d}d}|}|| } d}!x�t |�D ]t}|}"|"|" }|| }|| } t|| | k��s�tt|�|"k��r�P | | }t|| |k��r�P |d }|| }�q<W t|||jf ��|d k�r�|d }#|| }$n6d}#|}%x ||%k�r |%| }%|#d }#�q�W |%|% d }$x�t |�D ]�}|"}&|"| }"|"| }|"| } t|| | k��r�tt|"�|&k ��r�|d }| | }t|| |"k��r�t| |"k��r�d}!|"}&P nP �q"W t|||jf ��| }'|$|| d k�r�|d k�r�|$|$ }$|#d }#|$|' }(||! }|dk�r|(d }(|(|' }|dk�r0|�s0|(d }(|d k�rB|(d }(t||"k��rX|(d }(|| })t|)| |)k��r~||| })|)|&| | | })|(|' d }x.t |�D ]"}*|dk�r�|)|) })n|)| })�q�W || _|| _|| _||�| _ ||�| _ || _||�| _||�| _ || _|#| _|'| _||&�| _||&�| _|(| _||)�| _||)�| _|| _|| _| j| _| j| _| j| _dd l}+t|+�|| j�� �| _| | | | | },|,| j }-||-�| _||-�| _ d S )Ni'