편집 파일: Spec.cpython-37.pyc
B �][� � @ s6 d Z dZdd� ZG dd� d�ZG dd� de�ZG dd � d e�ZG d d� de�ZG dd � d e�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Z G dd� de�Z G dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Z G dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG d d!� d!e�ZG d"d#� d#e�ZG d$d%� d%e�ZG d&d'� d'e�ZG d(d)� d)e�ZG d*d+� d+�ZG d,d-� d-e�ZG d.d/� d/�ZG d0d1� d1e�ZG d2d3� d3e�ZG d4d5� d5�ZG d6d7� d7e�ZG d8d9� d9e�ZG d:d;� d;e�ZG d<d=� d=e�ZG d>d?� d?e �Z!G d@dA� dAe �Z"G dBdC� dCe �Z#G dDdE� dE�Z$G dFdG� dG�Z%G dHdI� dI�Z&dJS )Ka Contains some experimental set constructions. In the current state, not to be used by the faint-hearted. It is likely due for some major refactoring and has probably many bugs, it was a long time since I run the tests. You don't get any other documentation than this right now. � c C sJ y t | d�S tk rD t| t�r<dd�dd� | D �� S t| �S X d S )N�briefz(%s)�,c S s g | ]}t |��qS � )�briefstr)�.0Zxir r �C/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/guppy/heapy/Spec.py� <listcomp> s zbriefstr.<locals>.<listcomp>)�getattr�AttributeError� isinstance�tuple�join�str)�xr r r r s r c @ sD e Zd Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd d � Zdd� Zd d� Z dS )� SpecFamilyc C s&