편집 파일: six.cpython-37.pyc
B ���a� � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZmZ yddlmZ W n e k rV d dd�ZY nX ydd lm Z W n e k r� dd d�Z Y nX dS )z�Backward compatibility layer with older version of six. This is used to avoid virtualenv requring a version of six newer than what the system may have. � )�absolute_import)�PY2�PY3�binary_type� text_type)�ensure_text�utf-8�strictc C s8 t | t�r| �||�S t | t�r$| S tdt| � ��dS )z�Coerce *s* to six.text_type. For Python 2: - `unicode` -> `unicode` - `str` -> `unicode` For Python 3: - `str` -> `str` - `bytes` -> decoded to `str` znot expecting type '%s'N)� isinstancer �decoder � TypeError�type)�s�encoding�errors� r �D/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/virtualenv/util/six.pyr s r )� ensure_strc C sX t | ttf�stdt| � ��tr:t | t�r:| �||�} ntrTt | t�rT| �||�} | S )z�Coerce *s* to `str`. For Python 2: - `unicode` -> encoded to `str` - `str` -> `str` For Python 3: - `str` -> `str` - `bytes` -> decoded to `str` znot expecting type '%s') r r r r r r �encoder r )r r r r r r r # s r N)r r )r r )�__doc__� __future__r Zsixr r r r r �ImportErrorr r r r r �<module> s