편집 파일: pluginopts.cpython-37.pyc
B k�6S � @ s� d Z ddlZy,ddlmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ W n e k rL Y nX ddl mZ ddlm Z ddlmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ dd � Zdd� ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Zdd� ZdS )a� Adds a sphinx directive that can be used to automatically document a plugin. this:: .. autoplugin :: nose.plugins.foo :plugin: Pluggy produces:: .. automodule :: nose.plugins.foo Options ------- .. cmdoption :: --foo=BAR, --fooble=BAR Do the foo thing to the new thing. Plugin ------ .. autoclass :: nose.plugins.foo.Pluggy :members: Source ------ .. include :: path/to/nose/plugins/foo.py :literal: � N)�nodes�utils)�ViewList)� directives)�resolve_name)�Plugin)�BuiltinPluginManager)�Config)�TestProgram)�isclassc C s* |d } t | �} |�dd �}|r,t| |�}nDxBt| �D ]6} t| | �}t|�r6t|t�r6|tk r6d| | f }P q6W t� }|�d| d� |�dd� |�dd� |�dd� |�dd� |� }t � }|� |i � xJ|D ]B}|�|� � d� |�d d� |�d |j d d� |�dd� q�W |�dd� |�d d� |�dd� |�d| d� |�dd� |�dd� |�dd� |�dd� |�d d� |�dt� |jd tj�| j�dd��� d� |�dd� |�dd� t�� }|j|_|jj}|jj}g |j_d|j_|j|d|dd� ||j_||j_|jS )Nr �pluginz%s.%sz.. automodule :: %s z <autodoc>� �Optionsz-------z z � r z------z.. autoclass :: %s z :members: z :show-inheritance: ZSourcez.. include :: %s �sourcez.pycz.pyz :literal: � )�match_titles)r �get�getattr�dirr � issubclassr r �append� OptBucket�options�helpr Z relative_path�document�os�path�abspath�__file__�replacer �section�memo�title_styles� section_level�nested_parse�children)�dirname� argumentsr �content�lineno�content_offset� block_text�state� state_machine�mod_name�modZ plug_name�obj�entry�rstZplug�opts�opt�node�surrounding_title_styles�surrounding_section_level� r9 �G/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nose/sphinx/pluginopts.py�autoplugin_directive1 sd r; c C s t tt� d�} | �t�� �} t� }x"| �� �d�D ]}|� |d� q2W |� dd� |� dd� |� dd� xJ| D ]B} |� | � � d� |� dd� |� d| j d d� |� dd� qpW t� � }|j|_|jj}|jj}g |j_d |j_|j|d |d d� ||j_||j_|jS )zproduces rst from nose help)ZparserClassZpluginsr z <autodoc>r z-------r z z r r )r )r r r Z getParserr �usager �format_help�splitr r r r r! r r"