편집 파일: fix_future_builtins.cpython-37.opt-1.pyc
B �A�[� � @ sz d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z m Z mZ ddlm Z d�� Zd�d d � eD ��ZG dd� dej�Zd S )z� For the ``future`` package. Adds this import line:: from builtins import XYZ for each of the functions XYZ that is used in the module. Adds these imports after any other imports (in an initial block of them). � )�unicode_literals)� fixer_base)�python_symbols)�Name�Call�in_special_context)�touch_import_topzsfilter map zip ascii chr hex input next oct bytes range str raw_input�|c C s g | ]}d � |��qS )z name='{0}')�format)�.0�name� r �V/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/libfuturize/fixes/fix_future_builtins.py� <listcomp>$ s r c @ s&