편집 파일: cookiejar.cpython-37.opt-1.pyc
B �A�[�* � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZm Z m Z mZ ddlm Z dd d ddd ddgZddlZddlZddlZde_ddlZddlmZmZmZ ddlmZ yddlZW n ek r� ddlZY nX ddlmZ dZ da!dd� Z"ee�Z#dZ$dd� Z%dZ&dd� Z'dddd d!d"d#gZ(d$d%d&d'd(d)d*d+d,d-d.d/gZ)g Z*xe)D ]Z+e*�,e+�-� � �qTW d}d0d1�Z.d~d2d3�Z/ddddd4�Z0e�1d5ej�Z2d6d7� Z3d8d9� Z4e�1d:ej�Z5e�1d;ej6ejB �Z7e�1d<ej8ejB �Z9d=d>� Z:e�1d?ej8ejB �Z;d@dA� Z<dBdC� Z=e�1dD�Z>e�1dE�Z?e�1dF�Z@e�1dG�ZAdHdI� ZBe�1dJ�ZCdKdL� ZDdMdN� ZEdOdP� ZFe�1dQej�ZGdRdS� ZHdTdU� ZIdVdW� ZJdXdY� ZKe�1dZej�ZLd[d\� ZMd]d^� ZNd_d`� ZOdadb� ZPdcZQe�1dd�ZRdedf� ZSdgdh� ZTdidj� ZUdkdl� ZVG dmd� deW�ZXG dnd � d eW�ZYG dod� deY�ZZdpdq� Z[drds� Z\G dtdu� dueW�Z]G dvd � d eW�Z^G dwd� de_�Z`G dxd� de^�Zadydz� ZbG d{d � d ea�ZcG d|d� dea�ZddS )a� HTTP cookie handling for web clients. This is a backport of the Py3.3 ``http.cookiejar`` module for python-future. This module has (now fairly distant) origins in Gisle Aas' Perl module HTTP::Cookies, from the libwww-perl library. Docstrings, comments and debug strings in this code refer to the attributes of the HTTP cookie system as cookie-attributes, to distinguish them clearly from Python attributes. Class diagram (note that BSDDBCookieJar and the MSIE* classes are not distributed with the Python standard library, but are available from http://wwwsearch.sf.net/): CookieJar____ / \ \ FileCookieJar \ \ / | \ \ \ MozillaCookieJar | LWPCookieJar \ \ | | \ | ---MSIEBase | \ | / | | \ | / MSIEDBCookieJar BSDDBCookieJar |/ MSIECookieJar � )�unicode_literals)�print_function)�division)�absolute_import)�filter�int�map�open�str)� as_native_str�Cookie� CookieJar�CookiePolicy�DefaultCookiePolicy� FileCookieJar�LWPCookieJar� LoadError�MozillaCookieJarN)�urlparse�urlsplit�quote)� HTTP_PORT)�timegmFc G s( t sd S tsdd l}|�d�atj | � S )Nr zhttp.cookiejar)�debug�logger�loggingZ getLogger)�argsr � r �P/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/future/backports/http/cookiejar.py�_debug9 s r zQa filename was not supplied (nor was the CookieJar instance initialised with one)c C sJ dd l } dd l}dd l}| �� }|�d |� |�� }|jd| dd� d S )Nr zhttp.cookiejar bug! %s� )� stacklevel)�io�warnings� traceback�StringIO� print_exc�getvalue�warn)r"