편집 파일: plugin_base.cpython-37.opt-1.pyc
B �M!V�C � @ s d Z ddlmZ yddlmZ W n ek r@ ddlmZ Y nX ddlZddl Z ej dkZerjddlZnddl ZdadadZdadadadZdadadadai ae� ae� adadd� Zd d � Zdd� Z d d� Z!dd� Z"dd� Z#dd� Z$dd� Z%dd� Z&dd� Z'dd� Z(dd� Z)dd � Z*g Z+g Z,d!d"� Z-d#d$� Z.e-d%d&� �Z/e-d'd(� �Z0e-d)d*� �Z1e.d+d,� �Z2e.d-d.� �Z3e.d/d0� �Z4d1d2� Z5e.d3d4� �Z6e.d5d6� �Z7e.d7d8� �Z8d9d:� Z9d;d<� Z:d=d>� Z;d?d@� Z<dAdB� Z=dCdD� Z>dEdF� Z?dGdH� Z@dIdJ� ZAdQdKdL�ZBdMdN� ZCdOdP� ZDdS )RaG Testing extensions. this module is designed to work as a testing-framework-agnostic library, so that we can continue to support nose and also begin adding new functionality via py.test. NOTE: copied/adapted from SQLAlchemy master for backwards compatibility; this should be removable when Alembic targets SQLAlchemy 1.0.0 � )�absolute_import)�SkipTest)�SkippedN)� r c C s | dddt dd� | dddt dd� | dd dd dd� | d dtdd� | dd dddd� | ddddd� | ddddd� | ddddd� | dddd d� | d!dd"d#d$d%� | d&ddtd'd� | d(dd)d#d*d%� | d+dtdd,d-� | d.dtdd/d-� | d0dd1d2� | d3d4d5d d6d%� d S )7Nz --log-info�callback�stringz,turn on info logging for <LOG> (multiple OK))�action�typer �helpz--log-debugz-turn on debug logging for <LOG> (multiple OK)z--db�append�dbzBUse prefab database uri. Multiple OK, first one is run by default.)r r �destr z--dbszList available prefab dbs)r r r z--dburi�dburiz8Database uri. Multiple OK, first one is run by default.z--dropfirst� store_true� dropfirstz,Drop all tables in the target database first)r r r z--backend-only�backend_onlyz&Run only tests marked with __backend__z --mockpool�mockpoolz0Use mock pool (asserts only one connection used)z--low-connectionsZlow_connectionsz>Use a low number of distinct connections - i.e. for Oracle TNSz--reversetop� reversetopFzTUse a random-ordering set implementation in the ORM (helps reveal dependency issues))r r �defaultr z--requirementsz3requirements class for testing, overrides setup.cfgz--with-cdecimal�cdecimalzDMonkeypatch the cdecimal library into Python 'decimal' for all testsz --include-tagzInclude tests with tag <tag>)r r r r z --exclude-tagzExclude tests with tag <tag>z--serversidez"Turn on server side cursors for PG)r r z--mysql-engineZstoreZmysql_enginez\Use the specified MySQL storage engine for all tables, default is a db-default/InnoDB combo.)�_log� _list_dbs�_requirements_opt�_include_tag�_exclude_tag)Zmake_option� r �S/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/alembic/testing/plugin/plugin_base.py� setup_options9 sP r c C s ddl m} | |_dS )z�Configure required state for a follower. This invokes in the parent process and typically includes database creation. r )� provisionN)�alembic.testingr �FOLLOWER_IDENT)Zfollower_identr r r r �configure_followerj s r! c C s t ttd�| d<