편집 파일: noseplugin.cpython-37.opt-1.pyc
B �M!V� � @ sp d Z yddlZW n ek r0 ddlmZ Y nX ddlZddlZddlmZ da ej dkZG dd� de�ZdS ) z� Enhance nose with extra options and behaviors for running SQLAlchemy tests. NOTE: copied/adapted from SQLAlchemy master for backwards compatibility; this should be removable when Alembic targets SQLAlchemy 1.0.0. � N� )�plugin_base)�Plugin)� r c s~ e Zd ZdZdZdZejfdd�Z� fdd�Z dd � Z d d� Zdd � Zdd� Z dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Z� ZS )�NoseSQLAlchemyTZsqla_testing�d c s6 t �| ||� |j� � fdd�}t�|� t�� d S )Nc s4 |� dd �� � r$� fdd�}||d<