편집 파일: fix_paren.cpython-33.pyc
� ��f� c @ sI d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z Gd d � d e j � Z d S( uu Fixer that addes parentheses where they are required This converts ``[x for x in 1, 2]`` to ``[x for x in (1, 2)]``.i ( u fixer_base( u LParenu RParenc B s, | Ee Z d Z d Z d Z d d � Z d S( u FixParenu atom< ('[' | '(') (listmaker< any comp_for< 'for' NAME 'in' target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [','] > [any] > > | testlist_gexp< any comp_for< 'for' NAME 'in' target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [','] > [any] > >) (']' | ')') > c C sL | d } t � } | j | _ d | _ | j d | � | j t � � d S( Nu targetu i ( u LParenu prefixu insert_childu append_childu RParen( u selfu nodeu resultsu targetu lparen( ( u<