편집 파일: rotate.cpython-33.pyc
� �Re c @ s| d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l TGd d � d e � Z d S( i N( u Command( u basestring( u convert_path( u log( u *c B sY | Ee Z d Z d Z d Z d d d g Z g Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d S( u rotateu Delete older distributionsu2 delete older distributions, keeping N newest filesu match=u mu patterns to match (required)u dist-dir=u du% directory where the distributions areu keep=u ku( number of matching distributions to keepc C s d | _ d | _ d | _ d S( N( u Noneu matchu dist_diru keep( u self( ( u2 /tmp/pip-k8wh6o-build/setuptools/command/rotate.pyu initialize_options s u rotate.initialize_optionsc C s� | j d k r t d � � n | j d k r<