편집 파일: sdist.cpython-311.pyc
� ,�Re�J � �� � d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlm Z dd lmZ dd lm Z ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ ddlmZmZ d� Z G d� de� � ZdS )zadistutils.command.sdist Implements the Distutils 'sdist' command (create a source distribution).� N)�glob)�warn� )�Command)�dir_util)� file_util)�archive_util)�TextFile)�FileList)�log)�convert_path)�DistutilsOptionError�DistutilsTemplateErrorc � � ddl m} ddlm} g }|� � � D ])}|� d|z d|| d f� � �*|� � � | |� � � d� � dS )zoPrint all possible values for the 'formats' option (used by the "--help-formats" command-line option). r )�FancyGetopt)�ARCHIVE_FORMATS�formats=Nz.List of available source distribution formats:)�fancy_getoptr r r �keys�append�sort� print_help)r r �formats�formats ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python311-setuptools-65.6.3-2.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/sdist.py�show_formatsr s� � � +�*�*�*�*�*�.�.�.�.�.�.��G�!�&�&�(�(� P� P����� �V�+�T�?�6�3J�1�3M�N�O�O�O�O��L�L�N�N�N��K����#�#�$T�U�U�U�U�U� c �� � e Zd ZdZd� Zg d�Zg d�ZdddefgZdd d �Z defgZ dZd � Zd� Z d� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zed� � � Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd � Z d!� Z!d"� Z"dS )#�sdistz6create a source distribution (tarball, zip file, etc.)c � � | j S )zYCallable used for the check sub-command. Placed here so user_options can view it)�metadata_check��selfs r �checking_metadatazsdist.checking_metadata'