편집 파일: index.js
'use strict' var fs = require('graceful-fs') var chain = require('slide').chain var MurmurHash3 = require('imurmurhash') var extend = Object.assign || require('util')._extend function murmurhex () { var hash = new MurmurHash3() for (var ii = 0; ii < arguments.length; ++ii) hash.hash('' + arguments[ii]) return hash.result() } var invocations = 0 var getTmpname = function (filename) { return filename + '.' + murmurhex(__filename, process.pid, ++invocations) } module.exports = function writeFile (filename, data, options, callback) { if (options instanceof Function) { callback = options options = null } if (!options) options = {} var tmpfile = getTmpname(filename) if (options.mode && options.chmod) { return thenWriteFile() } else { // Either mode or chown is not explicitly set // Default behavior is to copy it from original file return fs.stat(filename, function (err, stats) { options = extend({}, options) if (!err && stats && !options.mode) { options.mode = stats.mode } if (!err && stats && !options.chown && process.getuid) { options.chown = { uid: stats.uid, gid: stats.gid } } return thenWriteFile() }) } function thenWriteFile () { chain([ [fs, fs.writeFile, tmpfile, data, options.encoding || 'utf8'], options.mode && [fs, fs.chmod, tmpfile, options.mode], options.chown && [fs, fs.chown, tmpfile, options.chown.uid, options.chown.gid], [fs, fs.rename, tmpfile, filename] ], function (err) { err ? fs.unlink(tmpfile, function () { callback(err) }) : callback() }) } } module.exports.sync = function writeFileSync (filename, data, options) { if (!options) options = {} var tmpfile = getTmpname(filename) try { if (!options.mode || !options.chmod) { // Either mode or chown is not explicitly set // Default behavior is to copy it from original file try { var stats = fs.statSync(filename) options = extend({}, options) if (!options.mode) { options.mode = stats.mode } if (!options.chown && process.getuid) { options.chown = { uid: stats.uid, gid: stats.gid } } } catch (ex) { // ignore stat errors } } fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, data, options.encoding || 'utf8') if (options.chown) fs.chownSync(tmpfile, options.chown.uid, options.chown.gid) if (options.mode) fs.chmodSync(tmpfile, options.mode) fs.renameSync(tmpfile, filename) } catch (err) { try { fs.unlinkSync(tmpfile) } catch (e) {} throw err } }