편집 파일: index.d.ts
/** Check if [`argv`](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/process.html#process_process_argv) has a specific flag. @param flag - CLI flag to look for. The `--` prefix is optional. @param argv - CLI arguments. Default: `process.argv`. @returns Whether the flag exists. @example ``` // $ ts-node foo.ts -f --unicorn --foo=bar -- --rainbow // foo.ts import hasFlag = require('has-flag'); hasFlag('unicorn'); //=> true hasFlag('--unicorn'); //=> true hasFlag('f'); //=> true hasFlag('-f'); //=> true hasFlag('foo=bar'); //=> true hasFlag('foo'); //=> false hasFlag('rainbow'); //=> false ``` */ declare function hasFlag(flag: string, argv?: string[]): boolean; export = hasFlag;