편집 파일: control.js
import './control.scss'; /* global kirkiTooltips */ function kirkiTooltipAdd( control ) { _.each( kirkiTooltips, function ( tooltip ) { if ( tooltip.id !== control.id ) { return; } if ( control.container.find( '.tooltip-content' ).length ) return; const target = document.querySelector( '#customize-control-' + tooltip.id + ' .customize-control-title' ); if ( ! target ) return; target.classList.add( 'kirki-tooltip-wrapper' ); // Build the tooltip trigger. const trigger = '<span class="tooltip-trigger"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></span>'; // Build the tooltip content. const content = '<span class="tooltip-content">' + tooltip.content + '</span>'; const $target = jQuery( target ); // Append the trigger & content next to the control's title. jQuery( trigger ).appendTo( $target ); jQuery( content ).appendTo( $target ); } ); } jQuery( document ).ready( function () { let sectionNames = []; wp.customize.control.each( function ( control ) { if ( ! sectionNames.includes( control.section() ) ) { sectionNames.push( control.section() ); } wp.customize.section( control.section(), function ( section ) { if ( section.expanded() || wp.customize.settings.autofocus.control === control.id ) { kirkiTooltipAdd( control ); } else { section.expanded.bind( function ( expanded ) { if ( expanded ) { kirkiTooltipAdd( control ); } } ); } } ); } ); jQuery( 'head' ).append( jQuery( '<style class="kirki-tooltip-inline-styles"></style>' ) ); const $tooltipStyleEl = jQuery( '.kirki-tooltip-inline-styles' ); const $sidebarOverlay = jQuery( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' ); sectionNames.forEach( function ( sectionName ) { wp.customize.section( sectionName, function ( section ) { section.expanded.bind( function ( expanded ) { if ( expanded ) { if ( section.contentContainer[0].scrollHeight > $sidebarOverlay.height() ) { $tooltipStyleEl.html( '.kirki-tooltip-wrapper span.tooltip-content {min-width: 258px;}' ); } else { $tooltipStyleEl.empty(); } } } ); } ); } ); } );