편집 파일: script.js
jQuery( document ).ready( function() { wp.customize.section.each( function( section ) { // Get the pane element. var pane = jQuery( '#sub-accordion-section-' + section.id ), sectionLi = jQuery( '#accordion-section-' + section.id ); // Check if the section is expanded. if ( sectionLi.hasClass( 'control-section-kirki-expanded' ) ) { // Move element. pane.appendTo( sectionLi ); } } ); } ); /** * See https://github.com/justintadlock/trt-customizer-pro */ ( function() { wp.customize.sectionConstructor['kirki-link'] = wp.customize.Section.extend( { attachEvents: function() {}, // eslint-disable-line no-empty-function isContextuallyActive: function() { return true; } } ); }() ); /** * @see https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/256103/17078 */ ( function() { var _sectionEmbed, _sectionIsContextuallyActive, _sectionAttachEvents; wp.customize.bind( 'pane-contents-reflowed', function() { var sections = []; // Reflow Sections. wp.customize.section.each( function( section ) { if ( 'kirki-nested' !== section.params.type || _.isUndefined( section.params.section ) ) { return; } sections.push( section ); } ); sections.sort( wp.customize.utils.prioritySort ).reverse(); jQuery.each( sections, function( i, section ) { var parentContainer = jQuery( '#sub-accordion-section-' + section.params.section ); parentContainer.children( '.section-meta' ).after( section.headContainer ); } ); } ); // Extend Section. _sectionEmbed = wp.customize.Section.prototype.embed; _sectionIsContextuallyActive = wp.customize.Section.prototype.isContextuallyActive; _sectionAttachEvents = wp.customize.Section.prototype.attachEvents; wp.customize.Section = wp.customize.Section.extend( { attachEvents: function() { var section = this; if ( 'kirki-nested' !== this.params.type || _.isUndefined( this.params.section ) ) { _sectionAttachEvents.call( section ); return; } _sectionAttachEvents.call( section ); section.expanded.bind( function( expanded ) { var parent = wp.customize.section( section.params.section ); if ( expanded ) { parent.contentContainer.addClass( 'current-section-parent' ); } else { parent.contentContainer.removeClass( 'current-section-parent' ); } } ); section.container.find( '.customize-section-back' ).off( 'click keydown' ).on( 'click keydown', function( event ) { if ( wp.customize.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); // Keep this AFTER the key filter above if ( section.expanded() ) { wp.customize.section( section.params.section ).expand(); } } ); }, embed: function() { var section = this, parentContainer; if ( 'kirki-nested' !== this.params.type || _.isUndefined( this.params.section ) ) { _sectionEmbed.call( section ); return; } _sectionEmbed.call( section ); parentContainer = jQuery( '#sub-accordion-section-' + this.params.section ); parentContainer.append( section.headContainer ); }, isContextuallyActive: function() { var section = this, children, activeCount = 0; if ( 'kirki-nested' !== this.params.type ) { return _sectionIsContextuallyActive.call( this ); } children = this._children( 'section', 'control' ); wp.customize.section.each( function( child ) { if ( ! child.params.section ) { return; } if ( child.params.section !== section.id ) { return; } children.push( child ); } ); children.sort( wp.customize.utils.prioritySort ); _( children ).each( function( child ) { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof child.isContextuallyActive ) { if ( child.active() && child.isContextuallyActive() ) { activeCount += 1; } } else { if ( child.active() ) { activeCount += 1; } } } ); return ( 0 !== activeCount ); } } ); }( jQuery ) );