편집 파일: Postmessage.php
<?php /** * Automatic postMessage scripts calculation for Kirki controls. * * @package kirki-framework/module-postmessage * @author Themeum * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * @since 1.0.0 */ namespace Kirki\Module; use Kirki\URL; /** * Adds styles to the customizer. */ class Postmessage { /** * An array of fields to be processed. * * @access protected * @since 1.0.0 * @var array */ protected $fields = []; /** * Constructor. * * @access public * @since 1.0.0 */ public function __construct() { add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'postmessage' ] ); add_action( 'kirki_field_add_setting_args', [ $this, 'field_add_setting_args' ] ); } /** * Filter setting args before adding the setting to the customizer. * * @access public * @since 1.0.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return array */ public function field_add_setting_args( $args ) { if ( ! isset( $args['transport'] ) ) { return $args; } $args['transport'] = 'auto' === $args['transport'] ? 'postMessage' : $args['transport']; if ( 'postMessage' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['js_vars'] = isset( $args['js_vars'] ) ? (array) $args['js_vars'] : []; $args['output'] = isset( $args['output'] ) ? (array) $args['output'] : []; $js_vars = $args['js_vars']; // Try to auto-generate js_vars. // First we need to check if js_vars are empty, and that output is not empty. if ( empty( $args['js_vars'] ) && ! empty( $args['output'] ) ) { // Convert to array of arrays if needed. if ( isset( $args['output']['element'] ) ) { /* translators: The field ID where the error occurs. */ _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( esc_html__( '"output" invalid format in field %s. The "output" argument should be defined as an array of arrays.', 'kirki' ), esc_html( $args['settings'] ) ), '3.0.10' ); $args['output'] = array( $args['output'] ); } foreach ( $args['output'] as $output ) { $output['element'] = isset( $output['element'] ) ? $output['element'] : ':root'; $output['element'] = is_array( $output['element'] ) ? implode( ',', $output['element'] ) : $output['element']; $output['function'] = isset( $output['function'] ) ? $output['function'] : 'style'; $js_vars[] = $output; } } $args['js_vars'] = $js_vars; } $this->fields[] = $args; return $args; } /** * Enqueues the postMessage script * and adds variables to it using the wp_localize_script function. * The rest is handled via JS. */ public function postmessage() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki_auto_postmessage', URL::get_from_path( __DIR__ . '/postMessage.js' ), [ 'jquery', 'customize-preview', 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0.6', true ); $fields = $this->fields; // Compatibility with v3 API. if ( class_exists( '\Kirki\Compatibility\Kirki' ) ) { $fields = array_merge( \Kirki\Compatibility\Kirki::$fields, $fields ); } $data = []; foreach ( $fields as $field ) { if ( isset( $field['transport'] ) && 'postMessage' === $field['transport'] && isset( $field['js_vars'] ) && ! empty( $field['js_vars'] ) && is_array( $field['js_vars'] ) && isset( $field['settings'] ) ) { $data[] = $field; } } wp_localize_script( 'kirki_auto_postmessage', 'kirkiPostMessageFields', $data ); $extras = apply_filters( 'kirki_postmessage_script', false ); if ( $extras ) { wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki_auto_postmessage', $extras, 'after' ); } } }