편집 파일: control.js
var kirkiDependencies = { dependencyControls: {}, init: function () { var self = this; _.each( window.kirkiControlDependencies, function (requirements, dependantID) { var control = wp.customize.control(dependantID); if (control) { requirements = self.addSettingLink(requirements); wp.customize.control(dependantID).params.required = requirements; self.showKirkiControl(control); } } ); _.each(self.dependencyControls, function (dependency, dependencySetting) { _.each(dependency.childrens, function (childrenSetting) { wp.customize(dependency.settingLink, function (setting) { var setupControl = function (control) { var setActiveState; var isDisplayed; isDisplayed = function () { return self.showKirkiControl( wp.customize.control(childrenSetting) ); }; setActiveState = function () { control.active.set(isDisplayed()); }; setActiveState(); setting.bind(setActiveState); control.active.validate = isDisplayed; }; wp.customize.control(childrenSetting, setupControl); }); }); }); }, /** * Get the actual customize setting link of a control. * * @since 1.0.3 * @param {string} controlID The ID of the control. * @return {string} The setting link. */ getSettingLink: function (controlID) { var control = document.querySelector( '[data-kirki-setting="' + controlID + '"]' ); var setting = controlID; if (control) { if (controlID !== control.dataset.kirkiSettingLink) { setting = control.dataset.kirkiSettingLink; } } return setting; }, addSettingLink: function (requirements) { const self = this; requirements.forEach(function (requirement, requirementIndex) { if (requirement.setting) { requirements[requirementIndex].settingLink = self.getSettingLink( requirement.setting ); } else { // If `requirement` is an array, then it has nested dependencies, so let's loop it. if (requirement.length) { requirements[requirementIndex] = self.addSettingLink( requirements[requirementIndex] ); } } }); return requirements; }, /** * Should we show the control? * * @since 3.0.17 * @param {string|object} control - The control-id or the control object. * @returns {bool} - Whether the control should be shown or not. */ showKirkiControl: function (control) { const self = this; let show = true; let i; if (_.isString(control)) { control = wp.customize.control(control); } // Exit early if control not found or if "required" argument is not defined. if ( "undefined" === typeof control || (control.params && _.isEmpty(control.params.required)) ) { return true; } // Loop control requirements. for (i = 0; i < control.params.required.length; i++) { if (!self.checkCondition(control.params.required[i], control, "AND")) { show = false; } } return show; }, /** * Check a condition. * * @param {Object} dependency - The dependency, inherited from showKirkiControl. * @param {Object} dependantControl - The dependant control object. * @param {string} relation - Can be one of 'AND' or 'OR'. * @returns {bool} - Returns the results of the condition checks. */ checkCondition: function (dependency, dependantControl, relation) { let self = this; let childRelation = "AND" === relation ? "OR" : "AND"; let nestedItems; let value; let i; // If dependency has nested dependants, we need to process them separately. if ( "undefined" !== typeof dependency[0] && "undefined" === typeof dependency.setting ) { nestedItems = []; // Loop sub-dependencies. for (i = 0; i < dependency.length; i++) { nestedItems.push( self.checkCondition(dependency[i], dependantControl, childRelation) ); } // OR relation. Check that true is part of the array. if ("OR" === childRelation) { return -1 !== nestedItems.indexOf(true); } // AND relation. Check that false is not part of the array. return -1 === nestedItems.indexOf(false); } // End of nested dependants processing. if ("undefined" === typeof wp.customize.control(dependency.setting)) { // Early exit if setting is not defined. return true; } if (!self.dependencyControls[dependency.setting]) { self.dependencyControls[dependency.setting] = { settingLink: dependency.settingLink, childrens: [], }; } if ( !self.dependencyControls[dependency.setting].childrens.includes( dependantControl.id ) ) { self.dependencyControls[dependency.setting].childrens.push( dependantControl.id ); } if (!dependency.settingLink) { // console.log(dependency); // console.log(dependantControl); console.log(self.dependencyControls); console.log("--------"); } value = wp.customize(dependency.settingLink).get(); if (wp.customize.control(dependency.setting).setting) { value = wp.customize.control(dependency.setting).setting._value; } return self.evaluate( dependency.value, value, dependency.operator, dependency.choice ); }, /** * Figure out if the 2 values have the relation we want. * * @since 3.0.17 * @param {mixed} value1 - The 1st value. * @param {mixed} value2 - The 2nd value. * @param {string} operator - The comparison to use. * @param {string} choice - If we want to check an item in an object value. * @returns {bool} - Returns the evaluation result. */ evaluate: function (value1, value2, operator, choice) { var found = false; if (choice && "object" === typeof value2) { value2 = value2[choice]; } if ("===" === operator) { return value1 === value2; } if ( "==" === operator || "=" === operator || "equals" === operator || "equal" === operator ) { return value1 == value2; } if ("!==" === operator) { return value1 !== value2; } if ("!=" === operator || "not equal" === operator) { return value1 != value2; } if ( ">=" === operator || "greater or equal" === operator || "equal or greater" === operator ) { return value2 >= value1; } if ( "<=" === operator || "smaller or equal" === operator || "equal or smaller" === operator ) { return value2 <= value1; } if (">" === operator || "greater" === operator) { return value2 > value1; } if ("<" === operator || "smaller" === operator) { return value2 < value1; } if ("contains" === operator || "in" === operator) { if (_.isArray(value1) && _.isArray(value2)) { _.each(value2, function (value) { if (value1.includes(value)) { found = true; return false; } }); return found; } if (_.isArray(value2)) { _.each(value2, function (value) { if (value == value1) { // jshint ignore:line found = true; } }); return found; } if (_.isObject(value2)) { if (!_.isUndefined(value2[value1])) { found = true; } _.each(value2, function (subValue) { if (value1 === subValue) { found = true; } }); return found; } if (_.isString(value2)) { if (_.isString(value1)) { return -1 < value1.indexOf(value2) && -1 < value2.indexOf(value1); } return -1 < value1.indexOf(value2); } } if ("does not contain" === operator || "not in" === operator) { return !this.evaluate(value1, value2, "contains", choice); } return value1 == value2; }, }; jQuery(document).ready(function () { kirkiDependencies.init(); });