편집 파일: preview.js
/** * Hook in the kirkiPostMessageStylesOutput filter. * * Handles postMessage styles for typography controls. */ jQuery(document).ready(function () { wp.hooks.addFilter( "kirkiPostMessageStylesOutput", "kirki", /** * Append styles for this control. * * @param {string} styles - The styles. * @param {Object} value - The control value. * @param {Object} output - The control's "output" argument. * @param {string} controlType - The control type. * @returns {string} - Returns the CSS as a string. */ function (styles, value, output, controlType) { var googleFont = "", processedValue; if (value.variant) { value["font-weight"] = "regular" === value.variant || "italic" === value.variant ? 400 : parseInt(value.variant, 10); value["font-style"] = value.variant.includes("italic") ? "italic" : "normal"; } if ("kirki-typography" === controlType) { styles += output.element + "{"; _.each(value, function (val, key) { if (output.choice && key !== output.choice) { return; } if ("variant" === key) { return; } processedValue = window.kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, val ); if (false !== processedValue) { styles += key + ":" + processedValue + ";"; } }); styles += "}"; // Check if this is a googlefont so that we may load it. if ( !_.isUndefined(window.WebFont) && value["font-family"] && kirkiGoogleFontNames.includes(value["font-family"]) ) { // Calculate the googlefont params. googleFont = value["font-family"].replace(/\"/g, """); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape if (value.variant) { if ("regular" === value.variant) { googleFont += ":400"; } else if ("italic" === value.variant) { googleFont += ":400i"; } else { googleFont += ":" + value.variant; } } googleFont += ":cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,devanagari,greek,greek-ext,khmer,latin,latin-ext,vietnamese,hebrew,arabic,bengali,gujarati,tamil,telugu,thai"; window.WebFont.load({ google: { families: [googleFont], }, }); } } return styles; } ); });