편집 파일: preview.js
/* global kirkiPostMessage */ import "./control.scss"; /** * Hook in the kirkiPostMessageStylesOutput filter. * * Handles postMessage styles for typography controls. */ jQuery( document ).ready( function() { wp.hooks.addFilter( 'kirkiPostMessageStylesOutput', 'kirki', /** * Append styles for this control. * * @param {string} styles - The styles. * @param {Object} value - The control value. * @param {Object} output - The control's "output" argument. * @param {string} controlType - The control type. * @returns {string} - Returns the CSS as a string. */ function( styles, value, output, controlType ) { var processedValue; if ( 'kirki-dimensions' === controlType ) { styles += output.element + '{'; _.each( value, function( val, key ) { if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) { return; } processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, val ); if ( false !== processedValue ) { // Mostly used for padding, margin & position properties. if ( output.property ) { styles += output.property; if ( '' !== output.property && ( 'top' === key || 'bottom' === key || 'left' === key || 'right' === key ) ) { styles += '-' + key; } styles += ':' + processedValue + ';'; } else { styles += key + ':' + processedValue + ';'; } } } ); styles += '}'; } return styles; } ); } );