편집 파일: KirkiSelectForm.js
/* globals _, wp, React */ import Select from "react-select"; import { components } from "react-select"; const KirkiSelectMenu = (props) => { const { selectProps } = props; const optionSelectedLength = props.getValue().length || 0; return ( <components.Menu {...props}> {optionSelectedLength < selectProps.maxSelectionNumber ? ( props.children ) : ( <div style={{ padding: 15 }}> {selectProps.messages.maxLimitReached} </div> )} </components.Menu> ); }; const KirkiSelectForm = (props) => { /** * Pass-on the value to the customizer object to save. * * @param {Object} val - The selected option. */ const handleChangeComplete = (val, type) => { let newValue; if ("clear" === type) { newValue = ""; } else { if (Array.isArray(val)) { newValue = val.map((item) => item.value); } else { newValue = val.value; } } wp.customize(props.customizerSetting.id).set(newValue); }; /** * Change the color-scheme using WordPress colors. * * @param {Object} theme */ const theme = (theme) => ({ ...theme, colors: { ...theme.colors, primary: "#0073aa", primary75: "#33b3db", primary50: "#99d9ed", primary24: "#e5f5fa", }, }); const customStyles = { control: (base, state) => ({ ...base, minHeight: "30px", }), valueContainer: (base) => ({ ...base, padding: "0 6px", }), input: (base) => ({ ...base, margin: "0px", }), }; /** * Allow rendering HTML in select labels. * * @param {Object} props - Object { label: foo, value: bar }. */ const getLabel = (props) => { return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.label }}></div>; }; const inputId = props.inputId ? props.inputId : "kirki-react-select-input--" + props.customizerSetting.id; const label = props.label ? ( <label className="customize-control-title" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.label }} htmlFor={inputId} /> ) : ( "" ); const description = props.description ? ( <span className="description customize-control-description" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.description }} /> ) : ( "" ); return ( <div> {label} {description} <div className="customize-control-notifications-container" ref={props.setNotificationContainer} ></div> <Select {...props} inputId={inputId} className="kirki-react-select-container" classNamePrefix="kirki-react-select" inputClassName="kirki-react-select-input" openMenuOnFocus={props.openMenuOnFocus} // @see https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/issues/888#issuecomment-209376601 formatOptionLabel={getLabel} options={props.control.getFormattedOptions()} onChange={handleChangeComplete} value={props.control.getOptionProps(props.value)} isOptionDisabled={props.isOptionDisabled} components={{ IndicatorSeparator: () => null, Menu: KirkiSelectMenu }} theme={theme} styles={customStyles} /> </div> ); }; export default KirkiSelectForm;