편집 파일: dynamic-control.js
/** * The majority of the code in this file * is derived from the wp-customize-posts plugin * and the work of @westonruter to whom I am very grateful. * * @see https://github.com/xwp/wp-customize-posts */ (function () { 'use strict'; /** * A dynamic color-alpha control. * * @class * @augments wp.customize.Control * @augments wp.customize.Class */ wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl = wp.customize.Control.extend({ initialize: function (id, options) { let control = this; let args = options || {}; args.params = args.params || {}; if (!args.params.type) { args.params.type = 'kirki-generic'; } let className; if (args.content) { let splits = args.content.split('class="'); splits = splits[1].split('"'); className = splits[0]; } else { className = 'customize-control customize-control-' + args.params.type; } if (!args.params.wrapper_attrs && args.params.wrapper_atts) { args.params.wrapper_attrs = args.params.wrapper_atts; } // Hijack the container to add wrapper_attrs. args.params.content = jQuery("<li></li>"); args.params.content.attr('id', 'customize-control-' + id.replace(/]/g, '').replace(/\[/g, '-')); args.params.content.attr('class', className); _.each(args.params.wrapper_attrs, function (val, key) { if ('class' === key) { val = val.replace('{default_class}', className); } args.params.content.attr(key, val); }); control.propertyElements = []; wp.customize.Control.prototype.initialize.call(control, id, args); wp.hooks.doAction('kirki.dynamicControl.init.after', id, control, args); }, /** * Add bidirectional data binding links between inputs and the setting(s). * * This is copied from wp.customize.Control.prototype.initialize(). It * should be changed in Core to be applied once the control is embedded. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _setUpSettingRootLinks: function () { var control = this, nodes = control.container.find('[data-customize-setting-link]'); nodes.each(function () { var node = jQuery(this); wp.customize(node.data('customizeSettingLink'), function (setting) { var element = new wp.customize.Element(node); control.elements.push(element); element.sync(setting); element.set(setting()); }); }); }, /** * Add bidirectional data binding links between inputs and the setting properties. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _setUpSettingPropertyLinks: function () { var control = this, nodes; if (!control.setting) { return; } nodes = control.container.find('[data-customize-setting-property-link]'); nodes.each(function () { var node = jQuery(this), element, propertyName = node.data('customizeSettingPropertyLink'); element = new wp.customize.Element(node); control.propertyElements.push(element); element.set(control.setting()[propertyName]); element.bind(function (newPropertyValue) { var newSetting = control.setting(); if (newPropertyValue === newSetting[propertyName]) { return; } newSetting = _.clone(newSetting); newSetting[propertyName] = newPropertyValue; control.setting.set(newSetting); }); control.setting.bind(function (newValue) { if (newValue[propertyName] !== element.get()) { element.set(newValue[propertyName]); } }); }); }, /** * @inheritdoc */ ready: function () { var control = this; control._setUpSettingRootLinks(); control._setUpSettingPropertyLinks(); wp.customize.Control.prototype.ready.call(control); control.deferred.embedded.done(function () { control.initKirkiControl(); wp.hooks.doAction('kirki.dynamicControl.ready.deferred.embedded.done', control); }); wp.hooks.doAction('kirki.dynamicControl.ready.after', control); }, /** * Embed the control in the document. * * Override the embed() method to do nothing, * so that the control isn't embedded on load, * unless the containing section is already expanded. * * @returns {void} */ embed: function () { var control = this, sectionId = control.section(); if (!sectionId) { return; } wp.customize.section(sectionId, function (section) { if ('kirki-expanded' === section.params.type || section.expanded() || wp.customize.settings.autofocus.control === control.id) { control.actuallyEmbed(); } else { section.expanded.bind(function (expanded) { if (expanded) { control.actuallyEmbed(); } }); } }); wp.hooks.doAction('kirki.dynamicControl.embed.after', control); }, /** * Deferred embedding of control when actually * * This function is called in Section.onChangeExpanded() so the control * will only get embedded when the Section is first expanded. * * @returns {void} */ actuallyEmbed: function () { var control = this; if ('resolved' === control.deferred.embedded.state()) { return; } control.renderContent(); control.deferred.embedded.resolve(); // This triggers control.ready(). wp.hooks.doAction('kirki.dynamicControl.actuallyEmbed.after', control); }, /** * This is not working with autofocus. * * @param {object} [args] Args. * @returns {void} */ focus: function (args) { var control = this; control.actuallyEmbed(); wp.customize.Control.prototype.focus.call(control, args); wp.hooks.doAction('kirki.dynamicControl.focus.after', control); }, /** * Additional actions that run on ready. * * @param {object} control - The control object. If undefined fallsback to the this. * @returns {void} */ initKirkiControl: function (control) { control = control || this; wp.hooks.doAction('kirki.dynamicControl.initKirkiControl', this); // Save the value control.container.on('change keyup paste click', 'input', function () { control.setting.set(jQuery(this).val()); }); } }); }()); (function (api) { /** * Set the value and trigger all bound callbacks. * * @since 1.0 * @param {object} to - New value. * @returns {Object} - this */ api.Value.prototype.set = function (to) { var from = this._value, parentSetting, newVal; to = this._setter.apply(this, arguments); to = this.validate(to); // Bail if the sanitized value is null or unchanged. if (null === to || _.isEqual(from, to)) { return this; } /** * Start Kirki mod. */ if (this.id && api.control(this.id) && api.control(this.id).params && api.control(this.id).params.parent_setting) { parentSetting = api.control(this.id).params.parent_setting; newVal = {}; newVal[this.id.replace(parentSetting + '[', '').replace(']', '')] = to; api.control(parentSetting).setting.set(jQuery.extend({}, api.control(parentSetting).setting._value, newVal)); } /** * End Kirki mod. */ this._value = to; this._dirty = true; this.callbacks.fireWith(this, [to, from]); return this; }; /** * Get the value. * * @returns {mixed} - Returns the value. */ api.Value.prototype.get = function () { // Start Kirki mod. var parentSetting; if (this.id && api.control(this.id) && api.control(this.id).params && api.control(this.id).params.parent_setting) { parentSetting = api.control(this.id).params.parent_setting; return api.control(parentSetting).setting.get()[this.id.replace(parentSetting + '[', '').replace(']', '')]; } // End Kirki mod. return this._value; }; }(wp.customize));