편집 파일: groups.php
<?php /** * Groups page. * * @package AdvancedAds * @author Advanced Ads <info@wpadvancedads.com> * * @var WP_List_Table|false $wp_list_table The groups list table * @var WP_Taxonomy $taxonomy Ad group taxonomy * @var bool $is_search True if a group is searched. */ use AdvancedAds\Entities; use AdvancedAds\Framework\Utilities\Params; ?> <div class="wrap nosubsub"> <h2 style="display: none;"><!-- There needs to be an empty H2 headline at the top of the page so that WordPress can properly position admin notifications --></h2> <?php ob_start(); if ( empty( $wp_list_table->items ) ) : ?> <p> <?php echo esc_html( Entities::get_group_description() ); ?> <a href="https://wpadvancedads.com/manual/ad-groups/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=groups" target="_blank" class="advads-manual-link"><?php esc_html_e( 'Manual', 'advanced-ads' ); ?></a> </p> <?php endif; require ADVADS_ABSPATH . 'views/admin/screens/group-form.php'; $modal_slug = 'group-new'; Advanced_Ads_Modal::create( [ 'modal_slug' => $modal_slug, 'modal_content' => ob_get_clean(), 'modal_title' => __( 'New Ad Group', 'advanced-ads' ), 'close_action' => __( 'Save New Group', 'advanced-ads' ), 'close_form' => 'advads-group-new-form', 'close_validation' => 'advads_validate_new_form', ] ); ?> <div id="ajax-response"></div> <div id="col-container"> <div class="col-wrap"> <div class="tablenav top <?php echo $is_search ? '' : 'hidden advads-toggle-with-filters-button'; ?>" style="padding-bottom: 20px;"> <?php if ( $is_search ) { printf( /* translators: %s search query */ '<span class="subtitle" style="float:left;">' . esc_html__( 'Search results for: %s', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</span>', '<strong>' . esc_html( wp_unslash( Params::request( 's' ) ) ) . '</strong>' ); } ?> <form class="search-form" action="" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="advanced-ads-groups"/> <?php $wp_list_table->search_box( $taxonomy->labels->search_items, 'tag' ); ?> </form> </div> <div id="advads-ad-group-list"> <form action="" method="post" id="advads-form-groups" class="advads-form-groups"> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'update-advads-groups', 'advads-group-update-nonce' ); ?> <?php $wp_list_table->display(); ?> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php // trigger the group form when no groups exist and we are not currently searching. if ( empty( $wp_list_table->items ) && ! $is_search ) : ?> <script> window.location.hash = '#modal-<?php echo esc_html( $modal_slug ); ?>'; </script> <?php endif;