편집 파일: class-header-bidding.php
<?php /** * The class is responsible to inject header bidding tags. * * @package AdvancedAds * @author Advanced Ads <info@wpadvancedads.com> * @since 1.48.0 */ namespace AdvancedAds\Modules\OneClick; use AdvancedAds\Framework\Utilities\Str; use AdvancedAds\Framework\Interfaces\Integration_Interface; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Header bidding tags. */ class Header_Bidding implements Integration_Interface { /** * Hook into WordPress * * @return void */ public function hooks(): void { add_filter( 'pubguru_page_script_tag', [ $this, 'remove_tags' ] ); add_filter( 'pubguru_current_page', [ $this, 'add_tags' ] ); } /** * Add TrafficCop tags * * @param string $page Page html. * * @return string */ public function add_tags( $page ): string { $page = $this->add_script_tag( $page ); return $page; } /** * Remove script tag * * @param string $script Scrip tag. * * @return string */ public function remove_tags( $script ): string { if ( Str::contains( '/gpt.js', $script ) ) { $script = ''; } if ( Str::contains( '//m2d.m2.ai/', $script ) || Str::contains( '//c.pubguru.net/', $script ) ) { $script = ''; } if ( Str::contains( 'window.pg.atq = window.pg.atq || [];', $script ) ) { $script = ''; } return $script; } /** * Guard the page from getting JS errors * * @param string $page Page html. * * @return string */ private function add_script_tag( $page ): string { $name = Helpers::get_config_file(); $at_body = Options::module( 'header_bidding_at_body' ); if ( $name ) { $script = []; if ( ! $at_body ) { $script[] = '<head>'; } $script[] = '<script src="https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/tag/js/gpt.js" async></script>'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResources.NonEnqueuedScript $script[] = '<script type="text/javascript">window.googletag=window.googletag||{};window.googletag.cmd=window.googletag.cmd||[];'; $script[] = 'window.googletag.cmd.push(function(){window.__onpageGptEmbed=(new Date()).getTime()})</script>'; $script[] = sprintf( '<script src="//c.pubguru.net/%s" async> </script>', $name ); // phpcs:ignore if ( Options::module( 'traffic_cop' ) && Helpers::has_traffic_cop() ) { $script[] = '<script>window.pg = window.pg || {};window.pg.atq = window.pg.atq || [];</script>'; } if ( $at_body ) { $page = $page . join( "\n", $script ); } else { $page = str_replace( '<head>', join( "\n", $script ), $page ); } } return $page; } }