편집 파일: admin-global.js
/* * global js functions for Advanced Ads */ jQuery( document ).ready(function () { /** * ADMIN NOTICES */ // close button // .advads-notice-dismiss class can be used to add a custom close button (e.g., link) jQuery(document).on('click', '.advads-admin-notice .notice-dismiss, .advads-notice-dismiss', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var messagebox = jQuery(this).parents('.advads-admin-notice'); if( messagebox.attr('data-notice') === undefined) return; var query = { action: 'advads-close-notice', notice: messagebox.attr('data-notice'), nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }; // send query jQuery.post(ajaxurl, query, function (r) { messagebox.fadeOut(); }); }); // hide notice for 7 days jQuery(document).on('click', '.advads-admin-notice .advads-notice-hide', function(){ var messagebox = jQuery(this).parents('.advads-admin-notice'); if( messagebox.attr('data-notice') === undefined) return; var query = { action: 'advads-hide-notice', notice: messagebox.attr('data-notice'), nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }; // send query jQuery.post(ajaxurl, query, function (r) { messagebox.fadeOut(); }); }); // autoresponder button jQuery('.advads-notices-button-subscribe').on('click', function () { if (this.dataset.notice === undefined) { return; } var messageboxes = jQuery(this).parents('.advads-admin-notice'); if (!messageboxes.length) { return; } var $messagebox = jQuery(messageboxes[0]); jQuery('<span class="spinner advads-spinner"></span>').insertAfter(this); var query = { action: 'advads-subscribe-notice', notice: this.dataset.notice, nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }; // send and replace with server message jQuery.post(ajaxurl, query) .success(function (response) { $messagebox.children('p').html(response.data.message); $messagebox.addClass('notice-success notice'); }) .fail(function (response) { $messagebox.children('p').html(response.responseJSON.data.message); $messagebox.addClass('notice-error notice'); }) .always(function () { $messagebox.removeClass('notice-info'); }); }); /** * Functions for Ad Health Notifications in the backend */ // hide button (adds item to "ignore" list) jQuery(document).on('click', '.advads-ad-health-notice-hide', function(){ var notice = jQuery(this).parents('li'); if( notice.attr('data-notice') === undefined) return; // var list = notice.parent( 'ul' ); var remove = jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'remove' ); // fix height to prevent the box from going smaller first, then show the "show" link and grow again var notice_box = jQuery( '#advads_overview_notices' ); notice_box.css( 'height', notice_box.height() + 'px' ); var query = { action: 'advads-ad-health-notice-hide', notice: notice.attr('data-notice'), nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }; // fade out first or remove, so users can’t click twice if( remove ){ notice.remove(); } else { notice.hide(); } // show loader notice_box.find('.advads-loader' ).show(); advads_ad_health_maybe_remove_list(); // send query jQuery.post(ajaxurl, query, function (r) { // update number in menu advads_ad_health_reload_number_in_menu(); // update show button advads_ad_health_reload_show_link(); // remove the fixed height jQuery( '#advads_overview_notices' ).css( 'height', '' ); // remove loader notice_box.find('.advads-loader' ).hide(); }); }); // show all hidden notices jQuery(document).on('click', '.adsvads-ad-health-notices-show-hidden', function(){ advads_ad_health_show_hidden(); }); /** * DEACTIVATION FEEDBACK FORM */ // show overlay when clicked on "deactivate" advads_deactivate_link = jQuery('.wp-admin.plugins-php tr[data-slug="advanced-ads"] .row-actions .deactivate a'); advads_deactivate_link_url = advads_deactivate_link.attr( 'href' ); advads_deactivate_link.on( 'click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // only show feedback form once per 30 days var c_value = advads_admin_get_cookie( "advanced_ads_hide_deactivate_feedback" ); if (c_value === undefined){ jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-overlay' ).show(); } else { // click on the link window.location.href = advads_deactivate_link_url; } }); // show text fields jQuery('#advanced-ads-feedback-content input[type="radio"]').on('click',function () { // show text field if there is one jQuery(this).parents('li').next('li').children('input[type="text"], textarea').show(); }); // handle technical issue feedback in particular jQuery('#advanced-ads-feedback-content .advanced_ads_disable_help_text').on('focus',function () { // show text field if there is one jQuery(this).parents('li').siblings('.advanced_ads_disable_reply').show(); }); // send form or close it jQuery('#advanced-ads-feedback-content .button').on('click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var self = jQuery( this ); // set cookie for 30 days advads_store_feedback_cookie(); // save if plugin should be disabled var disable_plugin = self.hasClass('advanced-ads-feedback-not-deactivate') ? false : true; // hide the content of the feedback form jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-content form' ).hide(); if ( self.hasClass('advanced-ads-feedback-submit') ) { // show feedback message jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-after-submit-waiting' ).show(); if( disable_plugin ){ jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-after-submit-disabling-plugin' ).show(); } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'advads_send_feedback', feedback: self.hasClass('advanced-ads-feedback-not-deactivate') ? true : false, formdata: jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-content form' ).serialize() }, complete: function (MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { // deactivate the plugin and close the popup with a timeout setTimeout( function(){ jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-overlay' ).remove(); }, 2000 ) if( disable_plugin ){ window.location.href = advads_deactivate_link_url; } } }); } else { // currently not reachable jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-overlay' ).remove(); window.location.href = advads_deactivate_link_url; } }); // close form and disable the plugin without doing anything jQuery('.advanced-ads-feedback-only-deactivate').on('click', function () { // hide the content of the feedback form jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-content form' ).hide(); // show feedback message jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-after-submit-goodbye' ).show(); jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-after-submit-disabling-plugin' ).show(); // set cookie for 30 days advads_store_feedback_cookie(); // wait one second setTimeout(function(){ jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-overlay' ).hide(); window.location.href = advads_deactivate_link_url; }, 1000 ); }); // close button for feedback form jQuery('#advanced-ads-feedback-overlay-close-button').on('click', function () { jQuery( '#advanced-ads-feedback-overlay' ).hide(); }); jQuery( '.advads-help' ).on( 'mouseenter', function ( event ) { const tooltip = jQuery( event.target ).children( '.advads-tooltip' )[0]; if ( typeof tooltip === 'undefined' ) { return; } // reset inline styles before getting bounding client rect. tooltip.style.position = ''; tooltip.style.left = ''; tooltip.style.top = ''; const topParentRect = document.getElementById( 'wpbody' ).getBoundingClientRect(), helpRect = event.target.getBoundingClientRect(), offsets = { left: Math.ceil( helpRect.left ) + 20, top: Math.ceil( helpRect.top ) + 20 }; let tooltipRect = tooltip.getBoundingClientRect(); tooltip.style.position = 'fixed'; tooltip.style.left = offsets.left + 'px'; tooltip.style.top = offsets.top + 'px'; // check element is not overflowing to the right. while ( tooltipRect.right > ( topParentRect.right - 20 ) ) { offsets.left -= 10; tooltip.style.left = offsets.left + 'px'; tooltipRect = tooltip.getBoundingClientRect(); } // check element is not overflowing bottom of parent and is within viewport. while ( tooltipRect.bottom > ( Math.min( topParentRect.bottom, jQuery( window ).height() ) - 20 ) ) { offsets.top -= 10; tooltip.style.top = offsets.top + 'px'; tooltipRect = tooltip.getBoundingClientRect(); } } ); }); // remove duplicate close buttons jQuery(window).on('load', function () { jQuery('a.notice-dismiss').next('button.notice-dismiss').remove(); }); function advads_admin_get_cookie (name) { var i, x, y, ADVcookies = document.cookie.split( ";" ); for (i = 0; i < ADVcookies.length; i++) { x = ADVcookies[i].substr( 0, ADVcookies[i].indexOf( "=" ) ); y = ADVcookies[i].substr( ADVcookies[i].indexOf( "=" ) + 1 ); x = x.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" ); if (x === name) { return unescape( y ); } } } /** * Store a cookie for 30 days * The cookie prevents the feedback form from showing multiple times */ function advads_store_feedback_cookie() { var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setSeconds( exdate.getSeconds() + 2592000 ); document.cookie = "advanced_ads_hide_deactivate_feedback=1; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString() + "; path=/"; } /** * load RSS widget on dashboard page using AJAX to not block rendering the rest of the page */ function advads_load_dashboard_rss_widget_content(){ jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'advads_load_rss_widget_content', nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }, success: function (data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { if (data) { jQuery( '#advads-dashboard-widget-placeholder' ).before( data ); } }, complete: function (MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { // remove the placeholder jQuery( '#advads-dashboard-widget-placeholder' ).remove(); } }); } /** * Ad Health Notices in backend */ // display notices list (deprecated because we load it without AJAX now) function advads_display_ad_health_notices(){ var query = { action: 'advads-ad-health-notice-display', nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }; var widget = jQuery( '#advads_overview_notices .main' ); // add loader icon to the widget widget.html( '<span class="advads-loader"></span>' ); // send query jQuery.post(ajaxurl, query, function (r) { widget.html( r ); // update number in menu advads_ad_health_reload_number_in_menu(); // update list headlines advads_ad_health_maybe_remove_list(); // remove widget, if return is empty if( r === '' ){ jQuery( '#advads_overview_notices' ).remove(); } }); } // push a notice to the queue function advads_push_notice( key, attr = '' ){ var query = { action: 'advads-ad-health-notice-push-adminui', key: key, attr: attr, nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }; // send query jQuery.post(ajaxurl, query, function (r) {}); } // show notices of a given type again function advads_ad_health_show_hidden(){ var notice_box = jQuery( '#advads__overview_notices'); var query = { action: 'advads-ad-health-notice-unignore', nonce: advadsglobal.ajax_nonce }; // show all hidden jQuery( document ).find( '#advads_overview_notices .advads-ad-health-notices > li:hidden' ).show(); // show loader notice_box.find('.advads-loader' ).show(); // update the button advads_ad_health_reload_show_link(); advads_ad_health_maybe_remove_list(); // send query jQuery.post(ajaxurl, query, function (r) { // update issue count advads_ad_health_reload_number_in_menu(); // hide loader notice_box.find('.advads-loader' ).hide(); }); }; // hide list fragments if last item was hidden/removed function advads_ad_health_maybe_remove_list(){ // get all lists var lists = jQuery( document ).find( '#advads_overview_notices .advads-ad-health-notices' ); // check each list separately lists.each( function( index ) { var list = jQuery( this ); // check if there are visible items in the list if( list.find( 'li:visible' ).length ){ // show parent headline list.prev( 'h3' ).show(); } else { // hide parent headline list.prev( 'h3' ).hide(); } }); } // reload number of notices shown in the sidebar based on element in the problems list function advads_ad_health_reload_number_in_menu(){ // get number of notices var number = jQuery( document ).find( '#advads_overview_notices .advads-ad-health-notices > li:visible' ).length; jQuery( '#toplevel_page_advanced-ads .update-count').html( number ); } // update show X issues link – number and visibility function advads_ad_health_reload_show_link(){ // get number of invisible elements var number = jQuery( document ).find( '#advads_overview_notices .advads-ad-health-notices > li:hidden' ).length; var show_link = jQuery( '.adsvads-ad-health-notices-show-hidden' ); // update number in the link jQuery( '.adsvads-ad-health-notices-show-hidden span.count' ).html( number ); // hide of show, depending on number if( 0 === number ){ show_link.hide(); } else { show_link.show(); } } //Radio Toggle visibility function toggle_visibility ( currentElement, toggleElement ) { jQuery( toggleElement ).toggle( jQuery(currentElement).val() === 'on'); }